Tuesday 23 November 2010

A young Glenn Gould rehearses Bach


I find this pretty amazing (I have been listening to Gould, and reading about him, continuously since 1978, but only came across this a few months ago):


Gould is rehearsing Bach, (mostly) unselfconsciously, on a rather battered and uneven-actioned piano (at his parents' holiday home).

At one level it is an enjoyable, albeit corny, 'genius at work' kind of thing. 

The performance is, I suppose, too fast; but what I find fascinating is the idea of what he was aiming at - especially when he tries the same passage several times.

A detached, crisp style, independence of lines - but one where everything is phrased - even the trills!


1 comment:

xlbrl said...


This is Kreisler's only recording of solo Bach, the opening Adagio from Bach's massive, and in other hands, unplayable work of Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin. In Kreisler's hands, this is incredible. Year 1926.