Most potential geniuses do not become 'recognized' geniuses - in fact, nowadays approximately none of them do.
And the reason is that - as a type - the potential genius is psychologically... unbalanced.
I use 'unbalanced' to refer to a range of abnormalities - because there is not one type of genius.
A potential genius must be highly intelligent, and creative - and it is this matter of creativity which introduces the imbalance.
I am here assuming that potential genius (P-G) is a way of thinking (which sometimes, in some societies, leads to things like supreme artistic attainment and scientific/ technological breakthroughs) and I am trying to examine this in detachment.
I am assuming that P-G is a qualitatively-different way of thinking which enables its possessors to do things which those who lack this way of thinking cannot do.
Studies of people with very high IQ find that many of them are more 'successful' than average in terms of health, life expectancy, wealth and status and indeed most things (except for fertility).
But among very high IQ people, there are the 'normal' ones who are apparently socially well-adjusted and 'successful', and there are those 'maladjusted' who Grady M Towers termed 'The Outsiders'.
It is an interesting observation that P-Gs are more akin to the Outsiders than they are to the mass of 'successful' high IQ types.
So - most very high IQ people are docile, conscientious, friendly, socially-adjusted types (typical graduates of modern highly selective colleges, typical high status professionals in elite jobs) and consequently utterly lacking even the slightest spark of creativity. Their minds run fast and smooth along pre-determined paths towards acceptable goals.
These intelligent-uncreatives have, of course, re-defined creativity in terms of what they themselves can do - which is to make (or assert) socially-acceptable novelty (generated by standard procedures such as random permutation, pick and mix recombination, inversion etc).
But when intelligent-uncreatives encounter real creativity, they are actively hostile - they sense its alien-ness, its uncanny abnormality, its intrinsic unpredictability and uncontrollability - which accounts for the fact that P-Gs are now excluded from elite discourse with unprecedented efficiency - and that virtually no potential geniuses become recognized geniuses.
As IQ rises, so the variation between cognitive abilities increases - i.e. the correlation between the sub-tests of IQ decreases - so that extreme ability tends to be relatively more specific than moderate ability.
In sum, extremely-intelligent people are less often all-rounders than those of moderate intelligence.
Intelligent un-creatives are, I think, those relatively-few all-rounders among high IQ people: those high-IQ individuals with balanced abilities - including a pro-social (compliant, docile) personality .
Whereas P-Gs have a significant element of unbalance, such that extreme abilities in one or more domains are not balanced by extreme abilities in other domains.
Therefore, in potential geniuses extreme high abilities are not held in check but are instead given free-rein.
This means that potential geniuses are all, more or less, unbalanced - at least by the standards of most people; and this unbalance can come out in terms of (more or less severe) psychotic symptoms (such as a tendency to hallucination, delusion, loose associations of thought, trance states), or psychopathy (selfishness, emotional coldness), or an impulsive and willful personality, or prone-ness to intoxication (as a cognitive self-manipulation), or extremely narrow interests, or a refusal or an inability to do what is required or expected...
There is no single pattern of unbalance - but I think it probable that all genuine P-Gs (and all true recognized geniuses) are qualitatively different from the norm as an intrinsic consequence of being unbalanced (unbalanced abilities being necessary to that creativity which makes them a recognized or potential genius).
They are all significantly oddballs in some way or another - eccentrics, mavericks, irritating, unreasonable, nutters, nasties... not team-players.
Recognized geniuses come from potential geniuses which come from those with specialized high abilities that are significantly un-checked and unbalanced; and such people are troublesome to have around, predict and control.
At any rate, the current ruling elite have implicitly decided to exclude such people from organized power - so while modern society has some potential geniuses, we have no actually recognized geniuses.