Thursday, 18 May 2017

Sex and sexuality - back to basics

The division of people into men and women is treated superficially; but it is a fundamental, indeed metaphysical, matter.

I think there are ultimately three basic possibilities: the distinction may be an accident, an increment or permanent.

If an accident; sex is erased at death, a temporary contingency, and of zero ultimate significance to our ultimate self and its fate.

If an increment; sex is an aspect of mortal life that has permanent consequences - it is a step towards higher things.

If permanent; humanity is divided into men and women from eternity to eternity, there are two types of self; and the implication is that the complete person is a dyad of man with woman.

(This reality of sexual distinction is - by the above account - a fact; prior and post to earthly accidents and appearances.)

Which of the three is a matter of metaphysical discernment, not a matter of evidence (because evidence is a product of metaphysical assumptions).

What seems coherent to me, overall, is that sex is permanent; and I have confirmed this to my satisfaction by intuition and personal revelation.

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