Is the lesson to create 'our own' mass media?
Well, I don't think so - partly because all mass media are vulnerable to being destroyed by the new multi-level nature of deplatforming, in which everything from financial services to the law (via the police as well as lawyers), is weaponised in defence of The System of evil bureaucratic Leftism.
There are So Many ways a mass organisation can be destroyed - and the Left controls all the major social institutions.
'We' might create media, but they cannot be, will not be allowed to be, 'mass'. As soon as they get mass - become visible - they will be clipped. It takes a lot of work to build a mass medium, but it is trivially easy to destroy one.
(I've seen it with this blog; whenever it starts building up official page views - something-happens - and overnight the page views plummet. I'm expecting another such, as the current page views are over 2500 per day, which seems to be something of a threshold. Back when I used to edit Medical Hypotheses, the journal was safe until I had built it into a success; at which point I was swiftly sacked and the non-peer-reviewed journal was destroyed - while keeping the same name. There can be 'alternative' media, but these cannot be 'mass'...)
No, the true lesson of deplatforming is not to make new (supposedly better) mass media, but to stop using mass media.
A Media Strike!
A mass consumer strike on mass media; because it is crystal clear that The System wants us addicted to mass media; wants us to attend-to, be engaged-with, the MM 24/7.
Since we cannot and will not get the mass media we want and need; we should stop using mass media. Permanently.
It is ot necessary, and is in fact imnpossible, that the strikje should be complete - since a 100% withdrawal cannot be attained due to the penetration of media into public and workplaces. And the usage of other people around and about (and in the home).
But any significant degree of reduction in media usage would be effective - 50%, 75%, 95%, 99%... and such withdrawal of attention would be felt by The System as an axe blow at its roots.
As usual; any significant positive action, such as a consumer strike against mass media, will do harm in the short-term before it does good in the long term.
In the short term a strike would (if it happened, which seems very unlikely indeed!) mean that the evillest mass media had it 'all their own way' without any 'alternative' opposition. This down-phase should be anticipated, and weathered as a necessary price that must be paid.
But in the longer term, the reduction of influence of mass media would be A Good Thing. Indeed, since the mass media is vital to the secular-Left totalitarian project, it would a strong blow against that project.
But as always, it is about inner motivation. The reason for a media strike must be the right reason; which is a recognition that the mass media is - overall and overwhelmingly - actively and strategically evil. And therefore ought to be eschewed even though some parts of it are tending to good.
Therefore, such a strike would need to be something arising from a mass of individual decisions; and Not be some-thing institutionally organised. And it would need to be permanent. An institutionally-led media strike would be just another part of The System...
Indeed, regardless of the mass consequences of a mass strike, the individual decision to embark upon a media strike is itself perhaps the most valuable effect of all.