Sunday 25 October 2020

The strategic aim of 'meditation'; compared with intuition's tactical role in the rest of life

Meditation is a black box term - and can mean almost opposites to different people; here, I use meditation to refer to a period of (subjective, relative) quietness and stillness in which the attempt is made to allow intuition the upper hand over consciousness. 

So, in 'normal' life, I think we lead with our consciousness - our awareness, will, 'logic' etc; and the spiritual aim (my spiritual aim) is to infuse normal consciousness with intuition

By intuition I mean the thinking of our real self (our divine self) - which is Not primarily conscious. We can only become conscious of intuition/ the real self after it has happened - consciousness is secondary. Yet to become conscious of our intuition, and to choose to be guided by it, is (I believe) a primary task of Modern Man.

I therefore accept that the business of everyday living must (broadly ) be led by the normal kind of thinking familiar to most people - but believe that this normal thinking ought to be (as much as possible) monitored, and commented-upon, by our intuition. 

So that intuition may (for example) endorse or veto our everyday thinking (and actions). 

Therefore, this aimed-at everyday role of intuition could be termed tactical: a moment-by-moment intervention with the detailed minutiae of everyday thinking.  

Whereas by contrast meditation (when intuition leads, instead of following) could be regarded as strategic, long-term - and about pointing our everyday behaviour in the best direction (and extricating us from wrong directions, getting us off wrong paths, reversing a wrong course etc).

Thus, meditation is something done relatively infrequently (once or twice a day - once or twice a week, or month? - as required) by which we remove the constraint of consciousness and the normal mind; allow and enable our intuition a free-hand; and encourage our intuition to take-the-lead - while remaining conscious of the process, so that we may best learn and remember. 

For example, in our everyday work, at our job for instance; everyday consciousness takes the lead - but our intuition ought to be telling us whether what we have 'just done' was right or wrong. The aim to to be aware of this tactical intuitive evaluation; so that we learn the most from our work, get the most spiritual value from working. 

And strategic meditation may - if that is what is of most concern to it - tell us that we ought Not to be doing that job at all; and additionally may notice that we are drawn toward some other specific work-practice or job, or some other kind of job - and that that should be our aim. 

Mediation is therefore a - from-time-to-time - pause, a short-period of mental quietness to allow/ encourage intuition to consider what our life is, and where it is going. 


(Perhaps it is inevitable that intuition provides stronger guidance about what we should Not do, than about what we Ought to do; nonetheless, there may well be inklings of the best direction and/or path for us to proceed.)


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