Monday 5 February 2024

Choosing Hell... CS Lewis's The Great Divorce now a free e-book on is a great website run by volunteers who produce excellent free downloadable online books from authors out of copyright - your one-stop shop for Biggles or Enid Blyton, for instance. 

Well, they have just made available The Great Divorce by CS Lewis - which I regard as the best book I've ever read about sin, repentance, and what makes people choose Hell. 

If you haven't already read TGD: why not try it? 


Francis Berger said...

Sold! This is one I've been meaning to read. Now I have no excuse. Thanks!

Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - The trouble is that TGD is a very unappealing and inaccurate title (based on an obscure reference) - and always has been. Maybe if Lewis had called it something like "A bus trip to Heaven" (which it is) it might have been read more often?

Stephen Macdonald said...

What a great recommendation! I dimly recall reading TGD decades ago, but now I'm not so sure...

In any case, perfect companion for my flight on Friday.