Thursday 7 July 2011

What is the point of winning the war against progressives?


From commenter Rottweiler at the blog Throne and Altar:

I think the point of winning the war of ideas against progressives, a struggle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities, is nothing more grandiose than turning the state into Purgatory so no more revolutionary leaders can turn it into a genocidal Hell. 

An Emperor’s job was not to solve all his subjects’ problems, but to restrain the Antichrist by simply occupying the throne. 

Then each subject could exercise his free will to strive for Heaven, or not.



  1. What's the point of struggling against anything? We know how the movie ends: we die.

    In my view, we struggle so that good always beats out bad, even if it's a "soft bad" like Progressivism. The point is to constantly move toward the stars, to evolve, to become better people.

    While Progressive dogma grips the West, people are brainwashed away from making moral choices and tend to self-destruct slowly in neurotic delirium.

    That's worth fighting :)

  2. @BS - "We know how the movie ends: we die."

    Well, no we don't; not our souls.

    The belief that we have no souls and are extinguished as persons by death is something no ancient Greek, nor anyone up to a few hundred years ago, would have countenanced.

    Why should we moderns believe differently?

    What was the subject of disagreement was what *happened* to souls after death. Nobody (or hardly anybody) doubted that souls survived bodily death.

    Certainly most pagans believed and believe in the soul and its survival - in some way shape or form (and surely you are a pagan, yes?)

    Another subject of disagreement is the relationship between choices and actions during this earthly life and what happens to souls after death.

  3. I like it: By occupying the throne...
    As long as I continue to live, as a non-"progressive", I display that "progressiveness" is not necessary to survival.

  4. The Continental Op8 July 2011 at 00:21

    From a song "Remember the Alamo":

    Young Davy Crockett, laughin' and shoutin'
    Gallantry fierce in his eye
    For God and for country
    the men more than ready to die.

    And when Christ comes riding his white horse, followed by the vast host of heaven (Revelation 19), I want to have my sword ready to lay at his feet.

  5. @bgc

    "The belief that we have no souls and are extinguished as persons by death is something no ancient Greek, nor anyone up to a few hundred years ago, would have countenanced."

    Good point; I kept my scope to the material to make the point that even if we assume the worst, there's a point to existence that's as obvious as the noses on our faces: we should rise, not fall.

    @The Crow

    Amazing to most people is that before progressivism, not only did many people survive, but some actually enjoyed it.


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