Tuesday 20 December 2011

I am in serious danger of shutting-up about current politics forever...


I have been predicting (in blog comments) for the past two years that Obama would not run for a second term as President - that he would prepare an exit. I won't bore you with my reasoning, but I was as sure of this as I have been of anything in current politics. And I made a bet with myself that if I got this wrong, then I would shut-up about politics forever, since it would then be clear either that I knew nothing about the subject, or that it was impossible to know anything about the subject, or both. There is still time, but it certainly looks like my pol pundit days are numbered.



  1. I hope that you won't retire: I've only just discovered this blog and you might as well try to predict the weather as the actions of fallible and thoroughly dishonest politicians such as Obama.
    Mark Steyn got his predictions for the 2006 (I think) Congressional elections wrong [for the first time ever as an amateur psephologist] but he seems to be doing fine otherwise seeing what is underneath the sham that is the warp and weft of contemporary 'politics'.

  2. @NR - I almost never pontificate about current politics on this blog - but I do indulge in the comments sections of other blogs. THAT WILL HAVE TO STOP - unless of course I turn out to be correct, after all. In which case it OUGHT to stop but probably won't...

  3. Well then, confine yourself to commenting about the Euro, since that is clearly a matter of religion rather than politics.

  4. @dearime -

    Get thee behind me...

    By that argument I could pontificate freely on all Leftist politics!

  5. If you are bad at predicting political trends and currents, that is a point in your favor -- evidence of your fundamental decency and rationality.

  6. This blog has certainly drifted away from the political.
    Now it seems to be an Ortho-(pedic)-something :)
    But I hope to see your comments continue on other politics-blogs. You were (are) good at it.


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