Sunday 5 August 2012

Co-inherence as the focus of Christian life


Over past months I have been thinking much on the idea of co-inherence - which I got from Charles Williams, e.g.

There is a tendency (often derived from an admirable desire for accuracy) for this idea to become over complex and incomprehensible - when our society is at such a low spiritual level (including myself) that only ideas of clarity and simplicity can be understood and acted-upon.

Therefore I venture to suggest that one great value of a greater emphasis on co-inherence would be in relation to primary description of what each individual Christian is trying to do in their spiritual life.


Too often, the Christian life is seen in terms of being a selfish matter of seeking after one's own eternal happiness - and to the modern mind this contrasts unfavourably with the (supposed) Leftist project of altruism: 'making' a world with less suffering.

But to understand that Christianity entails co-inherence, opens-up the possibility of changing the one-line-description of Christain aspirations into something more like:

"Working for the salvation of that which we love".


Naturally, any one line description is necessarily a gross over-simplification - but I feel that a focus on the Christian as working

(by their life of repetance, worship, prayer etc)

on the project of saving the eternal souls of the people they love -

that is to say to work for those whom they love -

(but perhaps also to work for the eternal preservation of the essence of things they love such as the values or society, animals and plants and places) -

might perhaps provide a better starting point for the modern Christian setting-out on the path, than the more common preliminary over-simplified caricature of each Christian ('selfishly') working on their own individual salvation.


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