Friday 14 December 2012

Liberal Christians are asset strippers, like all Leftists


Back in the 1980s, Leftists used to enjoy describing how 'asset strippers' worked by buying-up a struggling large company, breaking it into units, and selling-off the profitable bits while shutting-down the rest - thereby destroying the company; and then using some of the surplus generated to repeat the process.

Done serially, and on a large scale, it can be seen that this would destroy the economy piecemeal.

It is, in other words, a form of economic parasitism.


Whether this ever was a large scale phenomenon, I don't know - but this is certainly what Leftists do: and the Anglican church in the UK and North America (perhaps elsewhere) is an example.

The Left parasitically exploits the profitable bits of the societal economy and closes down the rest; until everything falls apart.

But, like everything the Left actually does, this is invisible to the people that do it - who constantly reassure themselves about their good 'intentions', and that these need not necessarily lead to bad outcomes. 


The Liberal Christian clergy have, over the past several decades, introduced a wide range of Leftist 'innovations' - some anti-traditional, others anti-scriptural - and always with the argument that this will make the church more relevant to modern society, and arrest the decline in Christianity.

But the decline in Christianity continues.

And worsens - especially considering that most modern 'Christians' are regarded as apostates and heretics by traditional and scriptural standards.


And yet there are still plenty of senior clergy.

In fact the number of Bishops in the Church of England (for instance) has increased a great deal.

It's a familiar pattern of Leftist infiltration: an ever-expanding bureaucracy sucking the life out of a shrinking productive base; and a bureaucracy whose every new initiative makes the underlying situation worse.


Clearly this cannot be sustained in the long run. The parasite will kill the host.

But how this has been sustained for as long as it has been is interesting.


Since modern mainstream churches denominations are no longer essentially Christian, they simply behave as generic organizations; and the imperative for these organizations is, year by year, to pay the salaries of the senior managers.

And this is done by selling (liquidating) capital, specifically by selling church property - e.g. buildings and land.

So the church shrinks (few pastors, fewer buildings, fewer adherents) - but the senior management actually thrive and expand by feeding on the flesh of the organization.


But of course, they wouldn't see it that way...


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