Friday 3 January 2014

Incoherent pseudo-morality preferred...


In reflecting on the dishonest incoherence of the mainstream notion of 'racism', and the same would apply to the other fetishes (one cannot accurately call them moral principles) relating to sex, class and so on; it dawned on me that the fact of its dishonest incoherence was precisely what made 'racism' so valuable to the Left and to the forces of evil in general.

Because the concept is both dishonest and incoherent, it is unique to our modern anti-religious society - and this means that there never has been anything like it in the history of the world before.

So we have a situation when any mainstream, evil, unrepentant, selfish, short-termist, hedonistic, cowardly, irresponsible, dumb modern person is in possession of a moral principle by which they are superior to everybody in history (and everybody not living in The West, and also everybody in The West who is not a servant of the secular Left).

And these modern dishonest, incoherent pseudo-moral principles have wedged-into Christianity, where you can see them doing their wicked work of building-in the assumption that in terms of racism, sexism and the rest of it - any random modern person is entitled to put on trial even the greatest of Christian figures from the past.

And in such a trial, using such an evaluation system, there is only one possible outcome: which is to convict all of history and the rest of the world, to subvert real Christianity, tradition, and common sense; and to confirm the qualitative superiority of modern, secular Leftism in general and every modern mainstream, evil, unrepentant, selfish, hedonistic, short-termist, cowardly, irresponsible, dumb modern person in particular.



  1. My masters-level History courses were full of this attitude. Even if there's no proof they were racist, they certainly were sexist, and so we can mock how unimportant they are and write a paper about unenlightened gender roles for a perfect 4.0 mark.

  2. I see 'racism' as just a political re-labelling of the endemic norm of 'tribalism.'
    Cultural marxists in the relatively civilized 'West' trying to pretend that, for example, the use of nicknames for various unwanted immigrant groups is an extreme behaviour. Ignoring the fact that in less civilized countries like South African immigrants are often attacked/burnt in the street, having to seek sanctuary in police stations! The real extremes of tribalism.
    Ironic that their deluded neo-moral principles guarantee the mass immigration without caution that will spread the real extremes around the globe at an alarming rate.
    'The Gangs of New York' or L.A. etc. etc. 'coming to a town near you!'

  3. That explains the leftward ratchet. In order to take a cheap and easy position of moral superiority every generation has to move on to something new.


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