Friday 26 June 2015

The way ahead is via foolishness


I am talking about England, and I am neither being despairing nor sarcastic.


In a desperate situation, there often arises an admiration for shrewdness, cunning, calculation, strategic planning...

But when the desperate situation is self-inflicted, then all this knowingness works against you.


To allow oneself to become a fool is to trust in the unknown (call it the 'magical'); and as a way forward it has potential for both evil and good. It has also the potential for self-deception - one may simply be pretending folly.

To be a fool is not to be going anywhere in particular, certainly not anywhere that you know about - but it may be a good way to get out from where you are (when you, deep down, don't what to be there). 


Nothing can be said about where it will all end-up (nothing should be said). That is the whole point.

Somehow the magic must be let-in. And sometimes this is the only way.


See also -

1 comment:

  1. This is closely akin to opening the door for inspiration. I have to let go of my fixed mindset and start rediscovering the simple joy of playful discovery. It is going back to that state that young children experience when exploring the world - which parents enjoy vicariously when they watch and participate in their children's explorations.

    It is a way to temporarily clear away some of the prison boundaries which are our normal mindset to allow for the possibility of something extraordinary. (It is what I like about the character of Dr. Who. He is like that, and he also demonstrates some of the downside of it, and that is to be so focused on not being focused that actions can occur which are unsettling and can be harmful to others. It is always best to still have a bit of the "editor" operating in the background to prevent going over the edge.

    Even so, it is a very effective way of opening the mind to new ways of seeing, and finding the joyful root of life when life seems too fixed, rigid and intolerably grey.)


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