Friday 10 February 2017

The fundamental purpose of creation - the great insight of William Arkle

The primary great and simple insight of William Arkle, in which respect he excels - beyond any other source I have discovered (ancient or modern) - is the clarity with which he understand the primary purpose for which God created Man and the rest of reality.

His point is that God created, in order to have divine friends.

God is - indeed - Heavenly Father and Mother; and men and women were created so that eventually and ultimately they may (via experience, striving and learning) choose to become beings of the same nature; therefore not only children of God, but grown-up children of God. Grown-up to full divinity.

If this is accepted and embraced as truth (which can only be a consequence of personal revelation; not of evidence, reason or any other 'proof' - but as a simple consequence of the traditional Christian understanding of God as creator and loving parent) this single insight changes 'everything'.

Well, not everything - the basics of Christianity remain identical; but what those basics are is clarified, and what they mean and how they interact are transformed; furthermore it can be seen that a great deal of assertion and interpretation of the past is mistaken (often understandably and justifiably so - but mistaken nonetheless).

With this single primary insight, we have a way of judging and evaluating the mass of apparently contradictory assertions accumulated by history, and by our own inferences.

It is a key that makes possible much else. From where we are here-and-now (a world full of dominant and deliberate disinformation; in which original naïve innocence is so generally corrupted, subverted, inverted) - that key seems ever-more essential.


  1. I have to agree. Finding out about William Arkle and his letters and wise insights constitutes perhaps on of the single most joyful things I have every learned about spiritually. It rings true at a deep and difficult to articulate level. I find it hard to understand why others do not find it equally enchanting or have no interest to even examine his ideas or even any spiritual ideas at all. It is a strangely isolating experience to seek to share joy and say "look, here is something truely wonderful? Please come and see it for yourself ao that you might share it with me!" And then, only blank looks or immediate dismissal or not even enough sustained and deliberate attention is given before the attention of another is lost all together. I can only assume most people are not ready or simply do not want any spiritual good news.

    Anyway I have you to thank for sharing William Arkle with me and for that I am eternally grateful. But then, when we are really in our own ways, things will find us. That is God's will it seems. I pray that the whole world will awaken to the great gift being offered. May we have the strength to accept the conditions; painful and difficult conditions at times, no doubt, but for our own good and through the wisdom of our heavenly father.

  2. "May we have the strength to accept the conditions; painful and difficult conditions at times, no doubt, but for our own good and through the wisdom of our heavenly father."


  3. This reminded me of something the late BYU philosophy professor Truman Madsen said to a group of Jesuits contrasting LDS theology and Catholic creedal theology. Jesuits: "God's very nature forbids that He should have peers."
    Prof. Madsen: "Interesting. Our understanding is that God's very nature requires that He should have peers."


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