Wednesday 25 October 2017

Is it possible for a Westerner to become a real Hindu?

Based on personal experience and study, William Wildblood concludes no, not really.

And at Albion Awakening, he discusses the spiritual significance of London, past, present and future - London being the city of William's birth, childhood and current residence.

1 comment:

  1. Well, genetically and linguistically Hindus and Western Europeans are Indo-Europeans (Aryans), and Hinduism is the only surviving Indo-European religion (discounting Parsi Zoroastrians), so one might think it possible. But I suppose European Aryanism and Indian Aryanism have diverged culturally too much.

    There are a number of pagan blogs on the net, most selling Odin and his gang, but none of them seem to have tumbled to Hinduism.


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