Monday 11 March 2019

Do you really believe in spiritual power as greater than materialism? (Do you want *more* spiritual power?)

In theory I certainly do believe in spiritual power (and want to exercise it); but I find it impossible consistently to believe it in practice (I lapse from that belief frequently); and this is a classic example of the mortal condition.

We can choose what we believe, and endorse; but we cannot always stick to that belief at all times. Therefore, what we are choosing is what we repent.

(In this instance, I repent my lapses from knowing - and behaving in light of that knowledge - that spiritual power is supreme.)

However, I reject the semi-technological idea of spiritual power that I quite often see among Christians - which seems to have it that the best way to influence the world is along the lines that to effect change one should organise prayer, especially mass prayer, to achieve specific material ends.

This I would regard as a materialist strategy. Material strategies - such as habits of prayer, or rituals - may assist the spiritual, probably have done, as some kind of generalisation, in some eras and situations; but there is no causal connection at the specific level - and nowadays (in our context) this reduces the spiritual to the material, reduces spirituality to a mechanism.

But if, instead, we regard spiritual power as of vast power, vast scope, capable of massive effects - but genuinely spiritual; then we can see that it is not really a 'power' at all. Power might be defined in terms of imposing our will; and this is not allowed, not possible, unless and until our will is wholly-aligned with creation.

For most people - this alignment is only sporadic and short-lived. During these times we can, I believe, indeed participate in God's work of creation; and therefore exercise real spiritual power. However, that which we most 'want' is not necessarily or usually that which is aligned with unfolding creation.

In a nutshell; only when we want Good are we personally able to exert spiritual power; but in those circumstances we can.

Therefore if we 'want' more spiritual power; we first must come to want what is Good.

1 comment:

  1. In yoga the practice of meditation leads to siddhis - spiritual powers. However these are cautioned against pursuing. Siddhis are said to inhibit achieving inlightenment, effectively pulling one into the material world due to the lure of controlling it.

    Also siddhis are not to be used except with great care because doing so interferes with the Lord's plan.

    It's interesting to consider what exactly is the difference between spiritual powers and those of consciousness. Could superconsciousness be seen as a kind of increased access to consciousness, itself a kind of internalized aether that connects to the universe, including the spiritual dimension?

    Is consciousness more like an energetic particle like a force or field?

    When the dimensionality of accessed consciousness is contrasted with the dimensionality of spiritual powers, I wonder whether the model of consciousness, the implicit aspect of our idea of it, is that it is kind of almost like a broadcaster or transmitter of radio waves, received through what we think of as our experience.

    The word consciousness is kind of informational in implication.

    By contrast the spiritual powers would have a quality of personality or personhood or Being-ness, any of the three, all from some kind of Divinity. Therefore they would have an element of being manifest from grace.


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