Monday 9 November 2020

Okay - Let's apply the three 2020 Satanic Litmus Tests...

Just in case you have forgotten the three 2020 Litmus Tests for being objectively against God, creation and Christianity - that is, actively on the side of Satan - they are belief in: 1. The Birdemic, 2. Antiracism, 3. Climate change. 

OK, no surprises or anything - it was just striking to see the three marks of evil in the same headline(s)*, as the major policy priorities; plain, upfront, explicit. 

Evil strutting the global stage (well, not exactly strutting...), endorsed by the totality of The Establishent: evil proud and confident.

Evil with the gloves-off. 


*Note: Actual headline may differ slightly from that above, due to settling of contents during transit...


  1. Warns nation of dangers of faith, hope, charity

  2. Right on. The 2020 dumpster fire looks to be eclipsed by the soon-mega-dumpster fire of 2021.

    Side note: anyone else also get the sense that this is a stealth Kamala presidency? She's like a Frankenstein built from parts of lesser Jezebels.

  3. You're a prophet, Bruce. I had to go look at it myself to see if it's really true.

  4. Non-racism is a better course to take, but it's been lost.

  5. I tried posting a video of obvious election fraud (a woman filling out ballots repeatedly) to the social media giants, but was immediately told it was harmful content and could "hurt people". I even took the trouble of editing the video, enhancing and cropping the video so it was quite different - but those clever "AI" algorithms still gave me the same warning.

    But of course, that never happened. I'm sure some fact check somewhere has an explanation why an election worker was filling out dozens of empty ballots.

    Welcome to living in Big Brother 2020.

  6. I'm not partisan (but anti-evil).
    The "controllers" are putting the current resident of the White House (why did they name it that?) back in the fight.
    The current political debacle in the USA is far from over. "They" want maximum division, max anger, max hatred. People on the left and right whom I know are all agitated and angry.
    The System is going to get maximum results from this political nonsense.
    Evil, of course, will score wins no matter which hapless individual is installed in the White House (the name of that house is really causing me pause these days).

  7. @Jake - Actually I am quite pleased by the way this has worked out. Probably millions of people now have a much clearer realisation of the evil at work in The Establishment. That is a step in the right direction.

    (This current war is spiritual - and we should look for good spiritual results first and foremost.)

  8. The evil is as clear as day for all with eyes to see. Civic myths lie shattered all around us. We live under a regime of blackmail and extortion, of contrived panic and managed lawlessness where malign billionaires believe, plausibly, they can make their own reality. Media figures are openly calling for blacklisting. It reminds me of Shelley's England In 1819: "An old, mad, blind, despised and dying [president-elect]…" Now we get to see how solid the ground is on which we stand.


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