Friday 1 July 2022

Christian knowing and thinking need to go together

If people regard Christian understanding as a kind of knowledge - but think about it in the same way they think about everything else (ends but not means) - then all we get is a mundane and materialistic lot of knowing about Christianity (and doing what churches tell) - but we approach no nearer to being a Christian. 

If, however, people strive to attain a higher and more 'romantic' level of consciousness (to be 'more spiritual' beings) - but do so without reference to Christianity (means but not ends) - then spirituality degenerates to psychology; to a (more or less selfish) hedonic process of seeking pleasure or alleviation of suffering. 

The answer is that neither thinking not knowledge can be put first; but both need to be pursued simultaneously, as aspects of reality. 

In other words; the only valid knowledge is that which is directly known (by intuition) in a higher and self-validating mode of thinking: thinking from and by the real-self. 

And, the only positive, creative and worthwhile (and not, ultimately, harmful) spiritual form of thinking is that which - of itself - knows reality: is knowing of God, creation and the truth of Jesus Christ.  

This is because we modern Men must know by and for our-selves; and if we are (merely) unconscious, passive and absorptive of knowledge (knowledge from-outside) ... this does not work that transformation we need. 

Such knowing is dead, ineffectual, unmotivating; and abandoned as soon as inexpedient (as with the massive converge of churches, globally, with anti-Christian, materialistic, evil totalitarian leftism). 

It isn't that we should be thinking spiritually 'within a Christian 'framework' - so much as that when we really are thinking spiritually, it will be Christian - because that is the truth of this created universe. 


  1. Perhaps I’ve misunderstood, but don’t you usually say that other religions are also valid, it’s just that they mean that you want, and get, something different after death than Christian Heaven?

    I ask because the main reason I read you is that I’m wrestling with whether/why Christianity is uniquely true. You and William Wildblood have helped me a lot, but I’m not all the way there. It’s hard for me not to be a Perennialist, given the beauty of all the great religious traditions and the sages they have produced.

  2. @Titus. It's a question of whether you want to become resurrected and a co creator with God; or else to cease to be a separate self, to cease active consciousness, and return to a primordial, passive beingness.

    But few Really desire this second alternative, and continue to assert their will, and thereby oppose Heaven and contribute to hell.

    My criticism of perennial type spiritually; is that it is actually insincere, dishonest, a mere theory which excuses the actuality of convergence with this-worldly leftist, demonic, ideology.


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