Monday 27 May 2024

Psychic attacks - and self-defence

"I am of the opinion that psychic attacks are far commoner than is generally realised, even by occultists themselves. Certainly the general public has no conception at all of the sort of things that are done by people who have a knowledge of the powers of the human mind and set to work to exploit them. 

"I am convinced that this factor played a large part in the witch-cult, and was the real cause of the universal horror and detestation of the witch. These powers have always been known to students of occultism, but nowadays they are known and used by people who would be exceedingly surprised to find who are their fellow-practitioners. 

"Mrs. Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, stumbled on to these methods empirically without ever acquiring any rational knowledge as to their modus operandi. She endeavoured to teach them in such a way that they could only be used for good and their power for evil should be concealed; but that she herself was well aware of their possibilities if abused is witnessed by the dread of what she called "Malicious Animal Magnetism," which shadowed her whole life. The methods of Christian Science, without its strict discipline and careful organisation, were developed and exploited by the innumerable schools and sects of the New Thought Movement. 

"In many of the developments the religious aspect was lost sight of, and they simply became a method of mental manipulation for purely personal ends, though not necessarily deliberately evil. Their exponents advertised that they would teach the art of salesmanship, of making oneself popular and dominant in society, of attracting the opposite sex, of drawing to oneself money and success

"The amazing number of these courses advertised shows their popularity; in a recent issue of an American magazine I counted advertisements for sixty-three different courses in various forms of mind-power. They would not be so popular if they achieved no results at all."

From Psychic Self-Defence, by Dion Fortune, 1930

I believe that psychic attacks, of the kind described by Dion Fortune a century ago (together with suggestions for defeating them) are nowadays much more common and much more effective. 

The reason is that materialism - the absolute exclusion of the "Psychic" or Spirit World from all mainstream public discourse, is much more complete than it was in Dion Fortune's day; and this renders people wide-open and helpless in the face of those who employ these spiritual methods of mental manipulation for selfish and evil ends. 

This explains why mainstream Christians are equally helpless against such manipulations - because the major churches have also excluded participation in the Spirit World as a valid goal - regarding this realm as necessarily evil, and therefore suppressing awareness of its reality and power. Christians mostly dwell in a world just as devoid of spiritual beings, as that of atheists.  

What this means is that normal, common-sensical, ordinary people - who pride themselves on being "down to earth" and realistic; are typically utterly convinced by whatever incoherent and evil-intending beliefs that are currently emanating from politicians, officialdom, corporations, the mass media and "celebrities". 

This is why so many people conform their lives and religions to such manipulations - why they have been so easily, repeatedly and fully hoodwinked into intense yet fluctuating and contradictory mass attitudes (including fear, resentment, self-hatred, promiscuous abstract altruism, and strategic self-destruction) - and why they ignore and deny what is being-done to them.   

The answer to endemic mental manipulations via the Spirit World, includes acknowledging the reality of Spirit World, and then becoming aware of it. 

And including the possibility of Psychic attack as among the valid possibilities that affect ourselves and the world. 


NOTE: Psychic attacks emanate from the Spirit World - which is occult/ hidden, and immaterial; but needs to be distinguished from the Spiritual War of this mortal life that relates to the Divine World. 

The Spiritual War is about eternal salvation and damnation, and evil need to be invited-in (to some extent). But Psychic attacks come from within this mortal world; and are largely to do with earthly manipulations and shorter-term motivations such as power, sex, greed, spitefulness etc. 

I am no kind of expert on Psychic defence; beyond recognizing that By Far the most important aspect is to recognize that one really-is being-attacked. 

The pathetic vulnerability of the mass of mainstream modern people stems principally from their refusal to acknowledge even the possibility of Psychic attack - and then an extreme absence of awareness of its likely sources, and probable intentions. 


  1. Very interesting of you to post about this book, I just started reading it a few days ago. Yes, most of the Christians I know profess to believe in the spiritual world, but completely shut down at any mention of it actually showing up in life.

  2. I know someone who I believe suffered a spiritual attack - she fell under the influence of an evil spirit, which she readily invited in, and could not be convinced that the spirit was evil. Indeed, she thought the spirit was essentially a guardian Angel or spirit guide, even though the spirit was influencing her in clearly destructive directions. At the same time, she experienced a psychic attack (possibly the spiritual attack made her more vulnerable to this) that sought to motivate her to commit sexual indiscretions. And again, she did not believe she was being attacked or that the intent was harmful - to the contrary, she thought the psychic attacker was trying to help her and set her free, and she readily cooperated with him. She was totally oblivious to the true nature of these sources and their intentions.

  3. @Lugo. That situation (or something analogous) is so normal as to be almost universal. People are rewarded up-front with enhanced pleasure, excitement, power - and in our value-inverted society, the evil consequences are regarded as Good.


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