Wednesday 17 July 2024

Memories of the Birdemic-Peck years of 2020-2022...

Does anyone vaguely recall those remote, almost legendary, days of 2020-22? The birdemic and the peck campaign...

(And in the midst of it all, the lying, resentment, and spite of the "MLB" antiracism debacle of later summer 2020, and its permanent sequelae in law and regulations and social practices). 

If you really try, can you remember how most people (and all institutions) behaved? What they said - and what they willingly, and with pleasurable anticipation, approved and anticipated? 

I do. It isn't a subject I think about much; but it is an era that permanently affected my evaluation of people and organizations - especially "Christian" churches. 

It was a time when true-colours were revealed - starkly exposed. The metaphorical gloves were off to reveal the iron fist inside the velvet. Proudly wearing the cloth or paper masks (and displaying selfies of it!), so many people un-masked their real natures.   

It's not so much that I dwell-upon their embrace of the agenda of evil and their reluctance to think, reason, learn - their cowardice and the short-termist hedonism that governed them...

But that - in terms of my system of mental evaluation, 2020-21 established the categories within-which I "place" entities - in terms of their motivations, their aspirations, ultimately the side they have taken in the spiritual war. 

These are the categories from-which I continue to make inferences. 

And this is why I have zero optimism - that is no expectation of things positively improving - emanating from any of the people, institutions, or systems of the public discourse, or the Establishment system. 

And this is why I am saddened and disappointed to observe so many people who are optimistic about the way things are going. So many who imagine that the West (the world?) has bottomed-out, and begun a rise to better times; or done a U-turn and begun to retreat from the strategy of self-annihilation...

But spiritually nothing has changed for the better: there has been no large scale repentance - therefore nothing substantive has been learned. 

Therefore (since change is inevitable) we should infer that those who chose the side of evil in 2020-22 have since come to endorse the assumptions of that side more deeply and thoroughly (whatever their self-identification may be). 

I regard this-worldly-optimists as not merely deluded, but as having been seduced from good (if they ever supported it), and made choice of the wrong side. 


  1. I am even more pessimistic than this. Not only has nothing changed for many people, and they are still completely unaware of the lies, many other people changed but in the wrong direction. Many who are against the mainstream are still, and only, motivated by politics and a vague sense of 'improvement', still completely unaware of the depths of the real problem. They will go on to support the changing tide and the new saviors, and they will be just as blind as their 'woke' opponents to the evil lurking underneath and getting ready to devour everything. It seems to me the ones that fell for the birdemic are no longer of interest to Satan, they are caught, they're his. Now he's coming for the other ones, and the enticement for them is the appearance of 'law and order'. And I'm afraid the mere appearance will fool them.

  2. I'd like to think people have seen how overblown the response was and, in the words of Pete Townshend, won't get fooled again by the next one (fowl-flu). Time will tell.

  3. But Bruce, virtually everyone knew the birdemic was stupid and evil, but they had jobs to keep, careers to build, kids to feed, and bills to pay. Surely they don't have to repent something they were "forced" into by no choice of their own! Besides, online church was sort of fun. I could "attend" in my pajamas while drinking coffee and eating donuts.

    And I mean, who cares at this point? Was it evil? Sure. But the world is innately evil because modernity. Whatever happened, happened. No use fixating on it. It's over. Let it go. We all need to move on, at least until we get to the next evil thing "forced" upon the masses that we won't need to repent).

  4. Mike Bryant has left a comment:

    "Things have moved on Bruce my local Catholic church is still proudly flying their {Water Tribe] flag - it really is pathetic."


    Bruce Charlton replies - Yes, things have "moved on" in the same direction and rooting for the same side in the spiritual war, but with different specific content.

  5. cecil1 has left a comment:

    Its so true.

    NOTHING has changed, except the illusion of distance because of a change in time.

    The barricades are still up in the grocery stores--- ready for the next excuse for tyranny. The government has not admitted any errors, let alone crimes for the past 3 years, nor has the media.

    Here in Canada [peck] mandates for many health professions remain in place even NOW! Criminal things.

    Many of my family members are quietly admitting that the birdemic was a massive lie in so many ways----BUT, they have not stopped watching and believing the news, and most of the government.

    I was surprised, but pleased, to hear my parents admit that they never should have cancelled Christmas in 2020 and kept the family apart for this birdemic.

    Its done a lot of damage too. I know family members who have never quite been the same in terms of going out, or doing the tings they used to do, or their attitude to things, since the birdemic.

  6. @c1 - "they have not stopped watching and believing the news, and most of the government."

    That's the biggest failure to learn - because it means everything is ready for whatever comes next, and whatever it is will work - just the same.

  7. @Laeth -

    "It seems to me the ones that fell for the birdemic are no longer of interest to Satan, they are caught, they're his. Now he's coming for the other ones, and the enticement for them is the appearance of 'law and order'. And I'm afraid the mere appearance will fool them."

    Good point, and I agree. I don't think it is easy to be sufficiently pessimistic to be realistic about the prospect before us.


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