Tuesday 30 July 2024

The Birdemic-Peck as a case study in how the-agenda-of-destruction manipulates totalitarian-evil into implementing its plans

What follows can be considered a small exemplar of the destructive programme of the globalist and Western top-leadership class; and how they get the world's "middle managers" to go along with it. 

By the world's middle managers, I mean those who most people regard as the ultimate leaders: e.g. national political and governmental leaders, large corporation leaders, mass media moguls, the executives of all large institutions such as the military and police, science, education, law, the arts, and churches. 

What these globalist-middle-managers instruct, in obedience to the real world-leadership class, is then obediently implemented by the administrative myrmidons - that vast class of the professional and managerial middle class who dominate everyday life. 

So when it comes to global implementation of the Peck, as a supposed response to the Birdemic; we can see how this played-out. 

At the low level of implementation which most people perceive; we saw a united-front from public health professionals, doctors and researchers; being referenced as conclusive evidence by politicians, managers and the mass media. 

Yet there was zero rational case for using The Peck at all, at any level - let alone a multi-billion global level. 

Why? Because the Peck was unnecessary, ineffective and harmful

In other words, mass pecking should not even have been considered. But if it had been considered honestly; it totally failed to satisfy standard, consensus epidemiological benefit-risk criteria (which I was taught as a public health medic in the early 1990s). 

So the consensus that global mass pecking was necessary and good was clear evidence that the visible leadership class and their "justifiers" and "implementers" was simply "obeying orders". 

Orders which I infer were emanating from the invisible world real-leadership class. 

We need to ask why these personages regarded it as the single major global priority to peck everybody in the world with an agent that could only do net harm? 

And then a rigorous consideration will lead to the answer that this imperative was destructive in its aim: it could not be otherwise? 

Whatever the actual outcome of Giga-pecking (and given the gross corruption of data collection and science and the media - I don't believe this can accurately be known), the destructive motivation is evident. 

My point here is that we can understand the global peck campaign as motivated by Sorathic-destructive evil; but implemented by the Ahrimanic-totalitarian believers in a global Matrix-System of micro-surveillance and omni-control. 

Thus, the motivators and the implementers of mass-pecking each have a different agenda. 

Therefore; both hyper-organization and general-destruction are simultaneously being-pursued. 

Which prevails? 

At first glance the totalitarians are far more numerous and known, and seem likely to prevail; but that is not the case.

Because 1. destruction and disorder is so much easier than construction and order; and 2. the globalist totalitarians are obedient to the top-level Sorathic beings. 

In practice - as with the Peck - the vast apparatus of totalitarianism, merely serves to rationalize and implement the agenda of destruction. The totalitarians do what they are told; which includes dishonestly "explaining" why the Peck is not just necessary but safe, not just safe but beneficial. 

This is how the agenda of destruction is pursued. 

It applies to the Birdemic itself, and the Peck. It applies to the Climate stuff, the antiracism stuff, the feminism and transagenda, to the Fire Nation and Arrakis wars, indeed to all of the major and long-term policies of the real rulers of this mortal world that I have termed the Litmus Tests



  1. How it works in the case of a man I personally know well: a local man I know well received the peck and multiple boosters. He also got the disease against which the peck supposedly protected one from, after getting the peck. He then developed severe heart & kidney failure, and needs a heart and kidney transplant. The doctors told him that his condition was caused by either the peck or the disease, but that "at this point, it doesn't really matter which caused your almost certainly life-ending problems. ** He was thus actually told that the truth of the etiology of his condition doesn't matter. One could internalize that as, "you don't matter, little man." In a system that actually cared about truth, wouldn't such a possible result of the peck be big news, a thing to study and investigate? Perhaps an enterprising researcher could make a career out of it. But no - absolutely blindness to the truth, to real research that could save lives or reveal new mechanisms of disease caused by the novel gene therapy. Nothing but the destruction of a man's life by a system that had him begging for the peck. He was very very pro-peck.

  2. @Jacob - Your comment makes me think more about the bottom layer of the system - the masses: you and me etc.

    I personally can only assume that there needs to be such a fundamental shift in the locus of responsibility for belief that it must encompass religion. In other words; I don't see how there can be the necessary taking back of responsibility for belief from the state and the system-experts; without this including the churches - who are part of that same system. I can't see any coherent way of continuing to take religion from the churches, while taking personal responsibility for ultimate belief back from medicine, science, education, politics, police and military etc. In other words the idea (or ideal) of Romantic Christianity.

    I can also see that this would lead to some kind of social chaos! Since our-society-now is only held together by top-down propaganda and coercion: by lies and fear (and bribery).

    But I also believe that chaos will come to us, like it or not - sooner or later. So it is a spiritual matter primarily. What is our bottom line, and why?

  3. I imagine we all could share a lot on this topic.

    My friend administrates medical studies for a university. She was brought in on meetings during the Birdemic in which the higher-ups kept saying things like "Tony wouldn't like that." She eventually realized "Tony" was You-Know-Who public face of the Birdemic, that he was in touch with the research hospital leadership directly and giving them orders behind the scenes. But they weren't really that secretive about it bc other than my friend apparently everyone saw this as normal and part of the job. Part of the job is taking orders from someone completely outside of your organization?

    And re: your comment, I've struggled lately with my family and participation in civic events- parades, sports, public celebrations of holidays (or non-specific "holiday seasons"). Bc ofc a healthy society would have participation in such things and an unhealthy one would not...but isn't the worst of the worst a wicked society celebrating its wickedness with full participation of the masses? I don't mean the obvious stuff but more traditional events where I know I will be frequently reminded how lucky I am to live in a "free country" when I so obviously don't!

  4. @Mia - I agree. Every public event is used as an occasion for totalitarian propaganda - and this applies as an ever smaller and more local scale.

  5. Bruce - thank you for the thoughtful response.
    Mia - thank you for the witness.
    I also no longer feel the slightest interest or joy in public events or holidays or celebrations of national greatness. It would feel hollow and false to participate, and I no longer feel able to engage in much falseness.
    At all levels, things seem to be falling apart. I am the person keeping a type of infrastructure going at a local level, and after a construction incident took out an important system, I was literally yelled at and demeaned for daring to go on site to investigate. Absolutely bizarre - I felt like my superior in the hierarchy was literally possessed/oppressed by a demonic force, temporarily. Truly bizarre times.
    At the same time, I am feeling, slowly but surely, more connection to God and divine things, when I am able to "filter out" the constant distractions and noise and evil.

  6. You do encounter these "demonic possession" people these days, but also the "Change of Shift" people (whom I have named after the caption card about 5 minutes into "Metropolis", depicting the aimless marching workers changing shift). The queues of would-be peckees at our local pecking centre looked like this, as do many of the tourists in central London these days.


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