Saturday 28 September 2024

Worming out of a deal with Satan?

An aphorism by Laeth that I linked a few days ago, talked of the possibility that some pre-mortal spirits could make a deal with Satan, before incarnation*.

Thus, some Beings, some humans, might be born with commitment to an evil agenda.

This could be understood as someone born strategically evil.

Such a person would also be prone to "normal" evil, which is selfish short-termism - which is, itself found with widely varying degrees - but perhaps never wholly absent". (I mean - we are all prone to impulses of self-gratification.)

This combination of a deal to serve the general, "global" plans of Satan (with hope of some later and desired reward) is in conflict with "doing what I want - Now".

I think this is seen in most people who have a leadership, strategic role in implementing Satan's agenda of evil - they try to worm out of doing their job towards fulfilling the long term deal, and instead will grab what they want, now.

This is one reason why it it a mistake to try and infer a strategy for evil. Even when there is an agenda, it will continually be contradicted and undermined by "petty" and personal corruption.

From a Christian perspective it is important Not to misunderstand such conflict between personal and Satanic evil, between evil strategies and immediate self-gratification.

When the focus is on strategic evil - such as the global totalitarian plans - this is continually being sabotaged by the minions of Satan trying to worm out of their deals - including deals made pre-mortally.

But this is Not a turn towards good.

The totalitarian order ("clown world") may be, probably is, collapsing into infighting among selfish, self-gratifying sub-groups and individuals.

But welshing on a deal with Satan in order to seek immediate corruption, is not virtue.

*It might be asked Why any spirit being would make such a deal? There might be a total incapacity for love; or a feebleness of loving impulse such that the being rejects the core divine principle of creation  (ie. God is love), and therefore joins Satan in opposition to God's creation - on the best terms he can negotiate, given that being's capabilities.