Wednesday 28 April 2021

"First impair the minds of Men"... How to make a convincing Virtual Reality/ Totalitarian System

My brother once reported to me something insightful he had heard from a friend: If you wanted to make a truly convincing computerized virtual reality system - you would also need to impair the consciousness of the user. 

In other words; there are two sides to a convincing virtual reality. 

On the one side there is the coherence of the virtual simulation; and on the other side there is the perceiving and interpreting mind of the 'user'. 

The insight was that no complex, real-time simulation can be fully, self-consistent when an alert and insightful mind is using it. 

But - if the mind of the user can be simultaneously impaired; then he can be totally convinced by an imperfect simulation. 

When the perceiving mind is unimpaired, then the deception is detected from the inevitable incoherence of any complex virtual world. 

Yet why is complex-virtuality necessarily incoherent? Ultimately, because it is a lie, and all lies are incoherent with reality. 

(Which is why one lie always leads to more lies. And why a 'cover-up' is always needed, and will itself always ramify.)  

This is maybe a deep explanation of Godel's Incompleteness Theorem. The only coherent truth is reality, therefore all models of reality are not true; therefore all models will be incoherent as experienced by the real human mind.  

To conceal the incoherence of virtual reality requires that the inhabiting-mind be simplified-down to the same level as the virtual world, and this simplification itself must be concealed... This is achieved by impairing the inhabiting-mind. 

The lesson is that if you want to make someone believe he really is dwelling in a virtual world; you must first impair his mind. One that is achieved, then he will live inside a simplified and incoherent model of reality without 'noticing' its simplification or incoherence; he will accept the model as reality.  

All of us now inhabit a virtual world, not reality. If minds were unimpaired, this would be obvious because the virtual world is grossly incoherent when measured against the reality of which the human mind is an exemplar. 

But in practice people inhabit this virtual world without realizing the fact, because they are mentally impaired. When, as inevitably happens, discrepancies are noticed - and the difference between virtuality and reality becomes evident; then these give-aways are rapidly ignored, denied or forgotten. 

In any case of disagreement: virtuality is regarded as primary. 

We can regard the socio-cultural changes of the past few generations as building upon the core deficit of atheism (or so feeble and superficial a religious conviction as to be de facto atheism) an incremental and multi-facteted mental impairment. 

The religions and churches integration into The System was necessary for this to work - and this integration happened incrementally, progressively, and very fully; so that by 2020 the churches served to reinforce, not contradict, the virtuality.  

This was apparently a demonic-strategy for preparing the world population to inhabit a fake, and evil, virtual world - without noticing the fact, and accepting the virtuality as reality. 

So, if we imagine ourselves to be collectively in the position of Ragle Gumm in Philip K Dick's novel Time out of Joint, or Truman in The Truman Show movie. But whereas Ragle and Truman had the mental capacity to take notice of the discrepancies and gross simplifications of their virtual worlds; Man in 2020-1 is too mentally impaired to suffer more than fleeting doubts and recognitions.

Every day, everybody is experiencing multiple moments when he sees-through holes in the virtuality; when the virtual world peels-back to reveal the real, when the real world pokes-itself-through the illusion. 

But because modern Man has no root outside the virtuality (and neither do any of the institutions to which he might look for external guidance - not even the Christian churches); Man has therefore no power of discernment. 

The multiple, frequent give-aways of fakery are experienced as just meaningless 'noise'; as evidence merely of the 'randomness' of a Godless universe without purpose. 

Thus, nearly the whole world is being deceived into self-damnation by an astonishingly crude, grossly incoherent, fake-reality!