Monday, 30 May 2022

It is a Big problem that the major Christian Churches/ Church leaders don't repent for what they are doing Now (except when it is a fake sin)

As of 2022; the major Christian Churches are large bureaucracies, which - to survive - must sin (really sin) again and again, strategically and systematically. 

Churches must sin at least by dishonesty - that is by lies, distortions, expedient omissions - and also (which is worse) by deliberate misleading: by saying one thing in a legalistic sense, but intending that it be misunderstood by the laity and/or mass media. 

The Christian Churches must sin to survive; because they are necessarily engaged with the demon-affiliated, global evil totalitarian System by multiple links...

Churches are employers and must comply with employment law, they are involved with the tax system and must comply with these regulations, they engage in buying and selling and must satisfy accountancy rules, charities and must satisfy the demands of these authorities, they obey the legal system and comply with police (for instance with respect to the birdemic)... and in many, many other ways each Church are a-part-of The System. 

All these rules, laws, regulations, practices are - by now - deeply imbued with the evil, incoherent, dishonest (and Satanically-allied) practices of the Establishment.

The System is evil - by intent and motivation - the Churches are part of The System; thus the Churches are components of strategic evil. 

Therefore, the Churches - presumably via their leaders - absolutely need to repent for their many sins (being committed daily, hourly, continuously) that enable them to continue to exist. 

Yet they do not repent, indeed they utterly ignore such sins t0 the point that leaders and laity alike seem aware that they even are sins. 

Instead, all the major Christian Churches endorse one or several of the leftist Litmus test issues by which The System pursues its evil agenda. 

Instead the Churches officially, and by their leaders' statements, 'apologize' and supposedly-repent-for fake non-sins such as 'racism - as defined in 2022; and for past sins committed by other people - and they do so in a way that is prideful and (again) dishonest.

(As always, lies breed lies, sin compounds...) 

The major Christian Churches are (as organizations, as people) thus - systematically, not accidentally - in a state of always-worsening (because neglected), unacknowledged, denied hence un-repented sin.

And sin feeds-upon sin...

No wonder that the Christian Churches are as-they-are!