In the first place, there is a profound asymmetry about Good versus evil policies: it is much more difficult to accomplish Good policies. This because Good is attempting to build in harmony with divine creation; while evil is against divine creation, and any form of subversion, damage or inversion of creation counts as evil.
It is hard to build and maintain any functional entity - but trivially easy to destroy functionality; very difficult to be an engineer, very easy to throw sand into functional machinery.
Evil policies can therefore be of many, many kinds. They are almost-never upfront evil; almost always the evil is disguised but overwhelmingly dominant.
Evil policy can have surfaces or mixtures of upfront 'good intentions' masking underlying covert evil; can be short-termist Good locally - but evil over times and more widely; and evil policies may be Good--tending in some material sense, but actually being-done for evil motivations (and encouraging evil motivations) such that evil is what will eventuate.
This is why it is so difficult actually to do good through politics - because the System is so thoroughly corrupted.
For instance; in 2016 the English people made some attempt to do Good by voting overwhelmingly for Brexit; but the political process was utterly negated and dissipated by the hostile System; so that after years of fudge and under-the-table wrecking, the result was 'Brexit in name only' with near-zero perceptible change and absolutely zero detectable benefit.
When it comes to Christian morality, it is simple foolishness to suppose that The System will reintroduce Christian values, and will enforce them. The System is anti-Christian root and branch; and White Christians are the only wholly reviled scapegoat social grouping.
When any superficially pro-Christian policy appears to emanate from The Establishment; we should be confident that it is In Fact intended to harm Christians; and that the System itself will ensure that this is what happens.
Since this is a negative goal, there are innumerable ways in which The System can attain its destructive objectives - far too many ways to be detected and defeated by excluded and disempowered Christians.
Therefore, if Christians want to do Good, it must originate and be done outside The System, and Not reliant upon the support and cooperation of The System.
Anything that comes From the System will be hostile by intent, and in its implementation.
The evil of The System absolutely needs to be recognized by Christians; or else we will stupidly continue to collude in our own destruction - as has been happening for decades and continues to accelerate.