Monday, 20 May 2024

When a nation becomes a rabid dog - a geopolitical overview

When a nation deliberately cultivates a reputation as a rabid dog, that might do anything at any time; in the short-term, others will try to avoid confrontation with you - and you will probably get your own way... 

In the short-term... 

So, because the rewards are up-front; rabid aggression is a tempting strategy. 

Furthermore; since a rabid dog can do anything at any time; sooner or later the insane beast will be blamed for atrocities it did not actually commit. 

And then who will believe its denials?

(A rabid reputation is much more easily gained than lost.)

But over the longer-term, a rabid dog cannot be tolerated. 

If it cannot be cured or safely-confined, sooner or later the dog will be destroyed by those it threatens.

And, no matter how ferocious and formidable it once was; a rabid dog will surely be getting weaker and weaker... 

Those who inhabit rabid nations - and there are more of these, getting more rabid - should know what to expect. 

And be unsurprised when their demise is greeted with the same general relief, as when any other destruction-crazed vermin has been eliminated.