Thursday 8 August 2024

Hate-watching Amazon's "Rings of Power"

RoP's Gil-Galad and Elrond - among the wisest, noblest and most beautiful creatures of this world (cough...)

I have never before watched-all-through a long series that I thought was very bad, before Amazon's "Rings of Power" - which is supposedly based-on JRR Tolkien; but isn't. 

But apparently hate-watching is addictive! Because I find myself counting the days (21 to go!) before Series Two appears; and I can again "enjoy" the most all-round-incompetent big-budget TV series of all-time.  

My main fear is that Series Two will not be as bad as Series One - that it might get into the Uncanny Valley zone where it became enough like Tolkien to exert a subversive effect on the real thing. Because Series One was so very bad, so utterly unlike Tolkien, that a lifetime Tolkien-lover could watch it without any sense of distortion or woke-repurposing. 

But suppose Series Two is better enough that I can take it at all seriously as a Tolkien adaptation? That might indeed be so unpleasant that I would need to stop viewing the thing.

However, at present (and having viewed the four minute Trailer), I am quite relaxed in my expectation. So long as the team of wooden-headed Munchkins involved in producing and implementing Series One remains unchanged, and while no mistakes of Series One have been admitted by this team, I look forward to more of the same kind of stuff that kept me glued to the screen two years ago. 

If I'm wrong, however; and the Munchkins have managed to raise Rings of Power: Series Two to the level of mediocrity - I shall be sure to let you know; so we can both avoid it.


Hagel said...

The most effective lies have some truth in them. People see the partial truth in the lie, and project it on to the false whole.

For people to accept evil, then unless they are very far gone, the evil must be coated in virtue, lest it be rejected, because people have a natural attraction to truth, beauty, and virtue.

Bruce Charlton said...

@H - A virtue coating is one thing, but to be coated with "entertainment" is also effective; and that's where RoP really scores - it is so dull and unengaging that the evil it undoubtedly contains can't do its work, because nobody is paying attention.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Akira - read the linked posts.

But more generally no, at the bottom-line Amazon don't care about the money - Obviously not!

When you are co-rule the world, economics does not apply, and money is ultimately not a problem.

Getting more money only matters to the little people: "They" have bigger fish to fry - souls not bodies.

The world is engaged in a *spiritual* war - unless we understand that, we have lost already.