Saturday 10 August 2024

Q: Why can't Western nations "mind their own business?" A: Because they have no business to mind.

Sensible and common-sensical people from places like the USA, UK and France will often wail: "But why can't we just mind our own business?" 

Meaning, why are we intervening/ interfering abroad; when so much needs to be done to sort-out our affairs "at home"?  

This, especially, when it comes to engaging in wars on behalf of nations with which we have no treaties; or intervening to replace the rulers and change the way of life of... anywhere we fancy, anywhere in the world... for as long or as short a period as is convenient to us. 

But the simple answer is that we cannot mind our own business because we have no business to mind. 

For instance; what, exactly, is the business of the UK? 

(I don't mean to ask what our business should be, but what our business actually and currently is?) 

To which we can only say - there isn't anything At All: No actual business... Not so far as the people who run the UK, and their obedient managerial-state minions are concerned.

At least, there is no positive business... 

The fact is that our rulers (e.g. in politics, finance, mega-corps, and the mass media) are already sorting our our affairs "at home" in just the way that they want it sorted. 

That is: they are replacing the native population with immigrants and encouraging hatred between them; they are destroying the economy and the environment; and have already captured and corrupted the military/ legal system/ policing/ education/ health services/ churches.

Their home "business" of civilizational and social destruction is going very well, therefore they are "minding their own business" - i.e. the business of destruction; so (from their perspective) they are free to engage in similarly-destructive foreign adventures to their hearts content!     

1 comment:

Pk said...

Yes, exactly, they are minding their own business. It's just not what we are told or assume it is. Similarly, I bristle at the continual refrain about "unintended consequences" from liberals and conservatives who seem to take the opinion that all politicians mean well for us though and have different ways of getting there. There are no unintended consequences.