Saturday, 1 March 2025

For the record: I Was Wrong, with my recent geopolitical prediction

Just to note that my recent geopolitical prediction that there would, before March, be a massive Fake Pennant atrocity to justify massive Western intervention in the Middle East - was wrong. 


Francis Berger said...

I maintain that the only wrong proven thus far is time-related (I know you consider this as a major point of negation, but I don't see it that way). I have encountered several sources who have expressed the "imminence" of what you have predicted (or something very similar), albeit on differing timeframes. I have no sense of foreknowledge about any of this myself but the potential for the sort of thing you outlined remains rather high and cannot be entirely written off (though I would be happier if it could).

Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - That seems likely to me as well, but I make no excuses! I really did have a sense that it would have happened by now.

Of course; I would never bet anything of significance on my feelings of conviction about the future, since they have so often been wrong. Unfortunately, this does not stop me getting such feelings...