Wednesday, 8 January 2025

A precise geopolitical prediction (for what very-little it's worth)

My prediction: Before this April* (i.e. within less than a month of the new DT administration) there will be a massive Fake Pennant atrocity to justify massive Western intervention in the Middle East - de facto in support of CHOAM

There will be some kind of state of National Emergency in the major Western military powers with dictatorship powers resumed bypassing normal legislative procedures (as happened in 2020). 

There will be plans for a large and rapid military deployment to the Middle Eastern region - and I think there may well be an attempt to introduce military conscription under some misleading conceptualization.  

This is, I believe The Plan - but of course, in a world of Free Agency, and where there is a hot civil war among the Western/ Globalist leadership class; it may not work-out as planned.

The best thing about this prediction is that if I am wrong (as I hope will be the case) - then the prediction will easily and quickly be refuted; and will not, therefore, hang-around for ages, causing trouble!

*Note added 9th February 2025 - For "April" read "March". 


Ed said...

"There will be some kind of state of National Emergency in the major Western military powers with dictatorship powers resumed bypassing normal legislative procedures (as happened in 2020). "

Agreed, and I will add two reasons.

The first is that in retrospect that 2020-22 seems to have been some sort of test or dress rehearsal, at least in part to gauge the level of resistance to open totalitarianism. Since there was little resistance, you would expect the results of the test to be examined, some refinements made, and then the system to be brought back at a future date, under different or no pretexts, with the intention of being made permanent.

The second is that the usual suspects are taking Trump's return far too well, which is suspicious in and of itself, which points to a move in 2025, which the Trump faction will be either as unwilling or unable to oppose, as with the 2020 operations.

I suspect, though, that the timing is tied to the development of some technology that we are unaware of.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Ed - I am pretty sure that the situation now is significantly different from early 2020 - which now seems like the high watermark of global totalitarianism; control was already declining by the late 2020's summer's global antiracism chaos and its legacy of dysfunctionality.

As I have often said here, I regard the ascendant Establishment faction Now in The West as being more "Sorathic"/ destructively motivated, than was the case for the leadership class in 2020. Also, there has been a significant loss of control of the BRICS nations.

In sum; those with most power to get their way in the West want wars, as many and as nasty as possible - and not to win them, but because war is uniquely destructive.

Bruce Charlton said...

Jonathan has left a comment:

I don't agree that war is uniquely destructive. Some have made a strong case that mass immigration is more destructive than war, and I think that's correct...

Regarding the main post: I won't be surprised if you turn out to be correct.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Jonathan - The two are different in kind. Here we are dealing with a (Sorathic) demonic perspective; and I presume that the business of having humans engage in active destruction of each other, animals, plants and the earth itself; is probably far more gratifying to that kind of mind than are population level manipulations of national identity.