A pair of Great Tits
At this time of year, with Spring in its youth and vigour; we find ourselves compelled to ask: What, really, is supposed to be so 'great' about Great Tits?
As the weather gets warmer, and the days lighter, all that is necessary is to step outside to find Great Tits insistently drawing attention to themselves in the most maddening fashion.
Apart from being, on average, somewhat bigger than other kinds of Tits...
Shurely shmaller should not always imply Lesser?
...'Great' ones do nothing to earn their title; but - on the contrary - exhibit a sense of apparent entitlement.
We are, however, compelled to acknowledge that they do have a certain something about them. Great Tits are undeniably cute, and are not afraid to advertise their cuteness. Their charms are perhaps too blatant...
An attractively soft and rounded chest - but surely rather 'obvious'?
Nonethless it is clear that many find Great Tits almost impossible to ignore; to the point that they may be very distracting - even disruptive.
The fact is, when Great Tits are in the vicinity, nothing much else gets a look-in. Perhaps we should just accept the fact and simply appreciate them - if we can?