Monday 19 July 2021

One can't (now) be agnostic about Christianity - what what about other stuff? Classic conspiracy theories?

Things have been coming to a point for some decades - and have now arrived-at the point; so there are only two choices in the ongoing spiritual war: the side of God, or of Satan. Nobody can be 'an Agnostic' in this sense - can claim 'not to know' about God - because that is to take the side of Satan.

But I think one can be agnostic about other issues, which are not of crucial importance, and/or which cut across the Christian-Evil divide. 

I find myself agnostic about much of the 'conspiracy theory*' field - such topics as are nowadays covered by people such as David Icke, or my penfriend Andy Thomas (or, in the recent past, by John Michell): Illuminati, crop circles, UFOs, 9/11, Atlantis... 

Many of these subjects I feel genuinely agnostic about; in that I could imagine them being either true or untrue - or of containing significant elements of truth, mixed with error and fraud. 

Further; in such matters, being agnostic is very different from rejecting them altogether and outright - which is the mainstream position. Indeed, to be agnostic is closer to being 'a believer' than it is to being a 'skeptic'. 

What is interesting is how and why I should (apparently) be content to stay in my agnostic state, without trying to settle matters one way or the other. Why, for example, don't I actually visit a crop circle, or make efforts to observe a UFO? 

I suppose the answer is that I don't think the answer is of decisive importance either way. I really don't - and that is because for me the answer (whatever it is) is subsumed within the much larger matter of destiny, or providence; that is, God's plans for me and for the world and its people. 

As I understand divine destiny, it is such that these matters are not crucial. 

Whether, for instance, aliens are contacting, or trying to communicate with, Mankind (or whether aliens are deceptive demons) is - for me - a matter of only mild interest; because the answer would be only one factor among innumerable others. It would not affect the way I lead my life, or what I strive for. 

This perspective is, I suspect, incomprehensible to the mass of contemporary conspiracy theorists - who are atheists; and, because things have come to a point, therefore more or less, anti-Christian. But so it is. 

Therefore I read, and have read, a fair bit about these topics; watched videos, listened to audios etc. I have found much of this material interesting, and indeed very useful, in a wide variety of ways. Yet this value does not seem to depend upon reaching a conclusion one way or the other; and so I remain agnostic. 

Note: The term conspiracy theory is itself propaganda on the side of evil; so the conspiracy theory field is an example of The Enemy's enemy. However, most members of that community still seem to be wedded to one or another aspect of the Leftism agenda - so (for all their valuable insights) they fail the Litmus Tests and are on the other side.  


William Wildblood said...

I have watched some of the Ancient Aliens programmes about crop circles and whether extra terrestrials visited us in the past and such like and they are very interesting but, like you, I don't see them as important in a spiritual sense. They are still part of this world, just a supernatural part. But they are not of any real spiritual significance and this is a bit of a trap for the enthusiasts who channel their religious impulses into what is fundamentally a non-religious direction.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Williams - Yes, that's it.

It is tempting to wish for the supernatural to be true because our lives are so mundane and shallow; and then to grasp at the merely supernatural.

We would both agree that the supernatural *is* real and true (or, some of it), but that recognition is only a Good Thing when the recognition comes from a change of view that recognizes God and creation. If it is merely supernaturalism, then the result has all the faults (and inadequacies) of materialism.

e.g. Some modern people are able (and keen) to 'believe in ghosts', but without believing in an afterlife; or considering what are the *implications* of ghosts being real.

But the proper attitude would be more like JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis: to believe that there really are ghosts - but these 'phenomena' are significant only in a context that explains them in a context of God, creation and Christian purposes regarding life after death.

You would think that belief in ghosts (or magic, or divination etc) would lead people onwards to a greater recognition of the spiritual, then the divine, in life; but somehow (presumably because materialism has such a grip on our thinking) that does not usually seem to happen. Instead you just get atheistic groups of 'ghost hunter' hobbyists with electromagnetic and infrared 'detectors'.

MagnusStout said...

I think this correct: "whatever 'it' is ... is subsumed within the much larger matter of destiny, or providence; that is, God's plans for me and for the world and its people."

What might be helpful for a Christian in these troubled times is to understand that the System literally runs on lies. Thus, it makes sense that the "prince of this world" is also the "father of lies." If you hate lies, you will have trouble in this world and vice-versa.

Finally, of all the alternative theorists, I have only found the following three people worth reading:

(1) Original research covering the "'four-establishment model' and the Box Model of Politics, which explain how establishments operate and how conspiracies can happen and who are the key persons ("Superclass index") involved in them."

(2) Miles Mathis' original takes on politics and science.

(3) VigilantCitzen for understanding esoteric symbolism.

Pilgrim said...

Seraphim Rose, an Orthodox Clergy (I think he was a Brother) who died a while back, did a compelling analysis of UFO abductions in his book “Orthodoxy”and came to the conclusion that they were actually demonic possessions. It is too rich to outline in this post, but it seemed apropos of the discussion of agnosticism in relation to conspiracy theories. I think I share your agnosticism in relation to conspiracy theories, because they seem to be a distraction away from where my attention is best focused – understanding my role as a beloved child of God. UFOs maybe demons, but my finding an answer to that question can never be certified and it robs me of energy I can spend knowing and growing in the wisdom of the Divine. They are like the eyes that lure in the forest of Mirkwood. Your posts are always expansive and insightful - thanks Bruce for your dedication to this blog!

Brief Outlines said...

Very well put

Bruce Charlton said...

@Pilgrim - if you word search this blog, you will find many references to Seraphim Rose - and I have a copy of his book on UFOs.

Nathanael said...

Great post Bruce.
Key insights.