Sunday 7 January 2024

Objective reality (the Truth) can only be subjectively known - so Why the cultural assumption of an objectively true reality?

We are stuck with a false analytic division between the supposed realm of the subjective and personal ("just your opinion" "just your perception"); regarded as as distinct from objective, universal Reality (aka. Truth). 

This analytic division between subjective and objective is a deep, culturally-inculcated and -reinforced assumption that has become an almost-irresistible habit of thought.

But it is incoherent nonsense. Subjective and Objective are indivisible. 

All that is known or knowable, entails consciousness - which is subjective/ personal: the consciousness of a Living Being. 

There can be no objective/ universal that is not also subjective/ personal. Objective reality must be subjectively known. Subjectivity is the only objective knowledge.  

This means that there is no-such-thing as an objective, universal realm of reality - existing separate from consciousness and from knowledge of it. We think, talk and write routinely, as if there was such a realm - but all such thinking/ talking/ writing is (of course) itself done-by conscious, living Beings! 

We discourse often on the assumption that objectivity entails eliminating subjectivity, eliminating the individual person, eliminating human bias or error... But that is nonsense - hence impossible. 

So what is going-on with all this relentless chat about eliminating the human/ subjectivity; and claims to be discoursing with objective universal validity from from an imaginary realm of universal validity?

Well, once the question is put in that form - it answers itself. 

Such pseudo Truth-referencing discourse reduces to a covert war over whose subjectivity can be enforced as universal objectivity. 


But another answer is PSYOPS. 

When a society, a civilization, operates on the basis of incoherent falsehood; this creates a deranged sense of perma-confusion that prevents people from thinking towards a solid conclusion

And when people cannot think towards solid conclusion - they give-up on thinking; and instead function passively, in a hand-to-mouth fashion, operating merely on the basis of short-term expediency. 

Which is where we are. 

NOTE - I am aware that the above is a negative critique of the prevalent metaphysics; and I do not here describe the alternative metaphysics of a living creation inhabited by Beings in relationships from-which I am making this critique - that is available in scores of posts on this blog over the past decade.