Thursday 14 May 2020

"I don't believe in the devil"

I don't believe in the devil. 
You should: he believes in you.

Thus a key exchange in the movie Constantine (2005). This should be a meme blazoned across the world, because it is strikingly true.

In a world where people don't believe in purposive, personal supernatural evil; such evil becomes pervasive and general.

Obvious evil ought to be obvious - and it used to be. When it is the case that people have to have evil explained to them, for example in terms of its effect in causing extra suffering - then we are already lost. We ought to be able to recognise extreme evil as such; but our society lost that ability when it denied God.

Thus the evil of "social distancing" is dealt-with as if it was a sociological research problem. Yet this evil is so obvious that not to see it immediately - and instead to demand an explanation of exacly how it is evil - is already to be deeply complicit in evil oneself.

Because evil - like good, like creation - is participative. It requires Men; it requires Men's thinking.

For evil to do its work, we must meet it halfway - or even invite it into our hearts. Demonic powers do half the work, but we must do the other.

For example, evil may provide visions or words of corruption; but Men must interpret these, conceptualise them, give them meaning - or else they would merely be raw stimuli.

Looking around the nation, I see evil established deeply in many hearts - especially among the educated sections of the population. I see a smug, self-satisfied mass of 'concerned' people, who expend vast efforts on moralising in a socio-political discourse - and who are dishonest, blind to the devil, utterly convinced of the reality and sufficiency of their own 'good intentions'.

Yet whenever some new and extreme evil is proposed (e.g. mass routine abortion, castrating boys and calling them girls, grooming of children into premature and pathological sexuality - and now 'social distancing') these people are always at the forefront.

They don't merely sin themselves - which is unavoidable for many; but their own sins are made invisible; therefore (far more seriously) they do not repent, and instead propagate sin by word and deed. Such constitutes the great bulk of the mass media, much of 'education' and 'law' - and indeed all major social systems.

But these are only the worst and most extreme because a large majority are so affected. All that can be said in favour of the 'silent' majority, is that they have retained an instinctive, unconscious awareness of sin; which makes them uncomfortable, even though it does not make them repent.

Our task in this modern word was, and is, to bring to explicit consciousness the spiritual - which in past ages was natural and spontaneous. We have lost the natural but inarticulate awareness of absolute intrinsic evil - thus we need to choose to acknowledge the reality of evil.

The same, of course, applies to God. Everyone used-to believe in God, from direct personal experience (indeed, we all did in early childhood) - but we no longer get these divine contact experiences. Therefore, our belief in God has become a free choice. We can believe, or not. 

And since the devil, Satan, demons (and purposive personal evil in general) are defined by their opposition to God, the good, and divine creation - we need also to choose to acknowledge their reality as well.

Belief in the devil is a choice. This is no longer (or hardly ever) a matter of spontaneous personal experience of personal evil powers, but of conscious thinking, direct knowing.

We moderns are free-er than ever before, thus more responsible. In the past, people were more passive and unconscious - hence they less blameworthy, but also less praiseworthy. But for us, now; innocence and ignorance are not an excuse, because we really do know better.

We Are Responsible - and this is unaffected by propaganda, laws, regulations, social pressures... We are responsible, we know better, but have chosen the worse.  

Evil has become just a branch of politics; consequently, modern evil is defined and redefined at will by the usual political means of propaganda, law, bureaucracy and physical coercion (police and mobs).

When - as now - intrinsic and extreme evil is rampant and triumphant through the land - yet unrecognised, unopposed; this is because evil has become (by will) utterly invisible, concealed, denied; inverted into a new-kind-of-good.

Therefore, there can, and shall be, no resistance to evil until after spiritual change. People need to know God, know that we live in a creation, repent evil, and acknowledge the reality of the devil.

(We may not know him, but he knows us.)

And such spiritual change can only arise from each person, individually, by choice and in freedom. Lacking which; we have - en masse - freely chosen evil; and thereby have chosen the unavoidable consequences of choosing evil. 

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