Friday, 3 December 2010

Can political correctness be stopped? If not, then what's the point?


So, can political correctness be stopped? 

The answer is no: not likely, not by any ordinary means.

Not by power, organization, democracy, coup, revolution or anything like that.


The reason is that all mainstream politics is semi-PC.

So modern politics-as-usual is a war between extreme PC on the left and semi-PC on the right.

Politics is nothing more than a squabble among the PC elite.


All of the secular right is semi-PC; and it is only among the religious right that a PC-free zone can ever be found, and even the merest possibility of effective opposition to PC.

Democracy cannot lead to an effective non-PC movement.

Among the non-PC religious right, the non-PC Christian right is a relatively small, weak, mostly-declining minority.


Therefore any plausible, likely, mass, 'democratic', powerful, influential 'opposition' to PC will itself be PC. 

But you can't fight an inferno with a candle: you can't fight full-on PC with half-hearted PC.


If political correctness probably cannot be stopped by human agency, then what is the point of all this stuff?

All this analysis?

What is the point? - when I am saying that I believe it is very unlikely that PC can be beaten by any group that I would want to beat it, and that democratic opposition to PC is doomed to fail?


My reason is religious: political correctness is evil and therefore must be opposed whatever the chances: whatever the odds and probabilities of success.

PC must be opposed despite the near impossibility that virtuous human effort alone can win: this simply means that success could only come from virtuous human effort with outside help, with the aid of divine providence. 

It really is as simple as that.
