Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Granite - an outward sign of inner corruption


The use of granite as a building material is...

(unless you live in Aberdeen)

...a reliable sign of advanced corruption - of terminal phase political correctness.


(Unless you live in Aberdeen)

...there is no reason to use granite for any reason except for making the edge between pavements (sidewalks) and the road.


Granite is ugly.

(Unless you live in Aberdeen -

...and even then it only looks good during clear bright weather - the rest of the time it looks like concrete breeze blocks:


Granite is very difficult to work. Essentially it is much too hard.

I watched a builder spend a whole day drilling one hole in a granite block - to insert a railing post -and even then he managed to break the edge of the hole, which then needed an ugly cement patch. 


Granite is expensive.


So, there is no reason to build with granite - especially in a city (like most English ones) built mostly from sandstone or limestone.

Unless you anticipate the structure standing for more than a couple of hundred years - when I suppose the sandstone or limestone might become eroded.

On the other hand, eroded stone can be very beautiful:


Naturally - since granite is slow to work, inefficient, expensive and ugly - it has for more than a decade been the favoured building material for universities, churches, local government and the houses of wealthy public sector employees.
