Sunday 1 September 2024

Do Not reject the enemy's ideology wholesale: Seek the truth behind totalitarian-Leftist distortions

A trap devised by the powers of purposive evil is for Christians (and others) to reject the core agenda of evil, the Litmus Tests, outright and in total - and then to develop a counter-ideology on the basis of that rejection

(Reject? Yes: but the alternative must derive from a positive agenda - hence the rejection cannot be total, since all powerful Left agenda have some basis in good.)

This is obvious across the board, and began with economic socialism (the basis of old-style communism and Fabianism) being opposed by "libertarianism" - which turned out, in practice, to be to tool for Big Finance and Mega-Corps totalitarianism. 

Another example is when feminism is opposed by supposedly-traditional demands for the socio-political subordination of women as being qualitatively inferior beings; or an analogous counter-ideology to antiracism. 

This kind of thing is a trap because all effective Leftism contains some truth - else it would have zero traction and could not motivate support. Therefore if any effective Left agenda is wholesale rejected, then some aspect of motivated and inspiring truth will also be rejected - and the consequence must be that the counter-ideology is a significant distortion of Good: that is - significantly evil. 

This makes the anti-Left counter-ideology itself significantly false and evil; which reality is evident to any honest person, and is responsible for a sense of intuitive revulsion among sincere and honest Christians when it comes to so much that purports to be reactionary and traditionalist. 

The problem is that such distorted and dishonest outright rejection and reaction with respect to Leftist strategies, is pretty much forced-upon public resistance to Leftism; forced by the demands of rhetoric and the attempt to shape group opinion and action in the actual public realm. 

One the one hand, it is true that there is no nuance in effective politics: when politics is not simple, then it does not work... Therefore, unless counter-Leftism is a simple and total rejection, then it cannot work in the actual public realm. 

The trap is that in politics nuanced resistance is ineffectual; but simple rejection is false, hence evil. 

So much the worse for politics!

It is vital to grasp that The Left here-and-now owns and dominates the public realm; has leadership of all major social institutions of all kinds in The West (and, apparently, most of the rest of the world too). 

The Left therefore structures public discourse and group action on a large scale. To fight Leftism on those battle-grounds, is to to be located exactly where They want You to be. 

When any person or group rejects any Leftist strategy outright in the public realm, be sure that the rejecters are either being herded into a cauldron to be annihilated; or else groomed into developing a different kind of evil - in service to the demonic agenda. 

This is why the attempt to meet and defeat the globally hegemonic Leftist Totalitarianism on its own ground is both pragmatically-ineffective and (when believed) spiritually-corrupting.  

If we are to pursue a genuinely Good agenda in opposition to the ruling-evil; we need to be able to set-aside the practicalities of propaganda and public persuasion, and group organization and action; and get things clear in our own minds, as tested against the discernment of our own hearts.

Clarify our understanding, make our own commitment to God and divine creation; and discern the implications for our own actual life, and what we can do via our own life.  

This seems to require a very pure and strong faith in God's creative power: a faith that any insight of truth, any goodness, that we may learn and which God recognizes to be valid and helpful; can and will be amplified by The Creator to affect "the public" for the better - insofar as the public can positively be affected; this being done through the developments of ongoing creation. 

 It is not a problem for God, as creator, to amplify and spread any Good arrived at by any of His children. 

We need not worry about that! 

Our core concern ought to be to embody what God regards as Good.

Our job mine and yours) is to provide God with the means, the "material", for achieving his ends. 

That's all God needs. He can, and will, do the rest. 



Mia said...

Very good!

While it took me a long, long time to recognize the Creator, I did notice around age 25 that there was some truth in leftism (vs noticing leftism was overall extremely evil around age 13-14). And from that point launched essentially constant frustration at how few people are willing to recognize that. There’s even a weird sort of trap set via the “well, things have changed” people, meaning people who just don’t think about things like past vs present bc it’s not practical to “go back.” I think running into that made me personally very keen on “going back” for a few years post-conversion, and that likely would have dragged on longer (and hurt my family besides!) had I not found this blog to offer another way.

It’s sad to see the winnowing of the people who “get it” year after year, but the number is nowhere near 0. And it’s encouraging how many different paths arrive at the same place- a very strong heuristic that we are on the track of Truth in my opinion!

Bruce Charlton said...

@Mia - "It’s sad to see the winnowing of the people who “get it” year after year"

Yes it is. My impression is that much of this is because of wrong assumptions coming into conflict with ever more detailed pressures from externally. These are testing times, and one big thing being tested are people's most basic understanding of the nature of reality. When a person's "philosophy" is defective in the wrong ways, sooner or later it will be found out.

Pathfinderlight said...

In paying attention to James Lindsey, one of the big takeaways from his talks is the importance of HOW Westerners should reject wicked plans laid by Marxists/Gnostics/Malthusians. In many cases, their plans are designed with backlash in mind, which can be used to further their agenda in some way. The best way around this is to be active towards building society instead of reactive against whatever crisis is currently happening. This sounds quite similar to some of the ideas you espouse in this post.

Bruce Charlton said...

@P - I don't know who James Lindsey is.

I'm also hostile to the formulation Marxists/Gnostics/Malthusians! None of these are important groups nowadays - unless the terms of being used in some vague and gestural sense.

Marxists were an early form of economic socialism (and by no means the first) - long since superseded in the West by the very New Leftism which rules the West. Gnostics were exterminated in the Albigensian crusades - and gnosticism has since only been an individual spiritual choice. I don't know of any Malthusians at all, unless you mean those who recognize that Malthus did indeed have a major and true (perhaps indispensable?) insight about the nature of human social constraints through all of history - up to the industrial revolution.

"The best way around this is to be active towards building society" - this importantly mistaken.

Such building is neither true nor possible, as I have argued in scores of posts; when almost everybody in The West (masses as well as the entire leadership class) is so deeply (metaphysically) corrupted in their basic understanding of reality.

We cannot build a good society until we know what good is and are motivated toward it. Spiritual awakening Must precede any possibility of building anything good.