Monday 24 October 2011



The Left, political correctness, is clinically insane (if it were a person, it would be an insane person).

In the type of insanity known as catatonia, there may be a phenomenon called negativism: the patient understands instructions, then does the opposite (they can, indeed, be made to do what the nurses want by asking them to do the opposite).

Ask them to take their clothes off and they get dressed, tell them not to eat the food on the table and they will eat it.


The insanity of the Western governments of the Left (i.e. all of them) is surely now running very close to the surface.

I cannot begin to make sense of Western government policy at present – foreign policy, economic policy, social policy etc.

Indeed, even making the mental effort to make sense of it, I can feel my mind starting to become un-hinged.


Current affairs make about as much sense as the negativism of a catatonic - or the tantrums of a 2 year old toddler who doesn’t want this, doesn’t want that and stamps around in a fury – punching the wall and scraping their own knuckles, poking sticks at big dogs which then bite them, breaking their own toys and crying about what they have done.


It is a practical error to try and understand insane catatonics or toddlers in a tantrum - instead we should act swiftly to remove them from situations where they can harm themselves or others.
