I am beginning to think that it would be much clearer to stop talking about the Evils of The Left and simply recognize it as intrinsically Evil - simply take the Evil of the Left for granted, and discuss matters on that basis.
There will never enough evidence of Evil for those who are blind to it; but for those with discernment the evidence of The Left's Evil is by-now overwhelming.
“If you dip into any college, or school, or parish, or family–anything you like–at a given point in its history, you always find that there was a time before that point when there was more elbow room and contrasts weren’t quite so sharp; and that there’s going to be a time after that point when there is even less room for indecision and choices are even more momentous. Good is always getting better and bad is always getting worse: the possibilities of even apparent neutrality are always diminishing. The whole thing is sorting itself out all the time, coming to a point, getting sharper and harder. . . .”
(That Hideous Strength by C.S Lewis. Dimble speaking - p. 283)
(What is much harder, in these times when all institutions have been corrupted and inverted by Leftism, is to discern Good - we can see the baddies massed all around; but where are the goodies?)
All The Left is Evil - but not all Evil is on The Left.
All The Left is Evil - but not all Evil is on The Left.
This might (wrongly) be taken to imply that the Right is Good - however that would certainly-not be true.
Good is on The Right, but The Right is mostly Evil, of course.
The choice (in this world) is between the wholly-and-intrinsically Evil Left; and the mostly-Evil Right.
(Remembering that the mainstream political Right is actually The Left.)
(And noting that most Evil is done by people who are tools of Evil - not originators of Evil purpose - people who say Yes to Evil purpose, find reasons to cooperate with Evil intent.)
The choice (in this world) is between the wholly-and-intrinsically Evil Left; and the mostly-Evil Right.
(Remembering that the mainstream political Right is actually The Left.)
(And noting that most Evil is done by people who are tools of Evil - not originators of Evil purpose - people who say Yes to Evil purpose, find reasons to cooperate with Evil intent.)