If, as I have said, intellectuals are to blame for the current malaise
...then what should intellectuals do about it all?
What, in particular, am I - an intellectual - doing writing this blog to be read by other intellectuals?
What, then, do expect myself and others actually to do!
1. To understand. Which entails being honest - the iron law of truth-speaking and truth-seeking. If you can't then shut-up and say nothing; never defend or rationalize dishonesty. Equally - discern beauty and virtue as best you can and seek them - don't excuse ugliness or moral inversion.
2. To refrain, if possible - by-hook-or-by-crook - from making things worse.
3. Not to attack or undermine nascent possibilities of improvement arising from non-intellectuals (on what are likely to be speciously pseudo-intellectual grounds or from intellectual special-interests or - especially - from intellectual snobbery).
4. To seek to become devoutly Christian, as best you can (as best I can). If nothing else, to pray.
5. That's about it...