Friday 8 August 2014

One and a half million page views - Ta Dah!


Although this is a declining blog, in terms of the impact of new posts - and daily page views peaked 9 months ago at about 55K and have been dwindling gradually... nonetheless I have just noticed that it has now passed the 1.5M mark and today's stats show "Pageviews all time history - 1,501,478" for 2,683 posts.

Oct 2012 - Half a million (this took more than two years of daily blogging)
Oct 2013 - One million
Aug 2014 - One and a half million

Since I don't make a bean from the blog, or from the mini-books which it spawns; these numbers are just about self-esteem/ vanity. The principal value of the exercise, from my point of view, rests on a few personal e-mails I have received from readers over the past four years - telling me that the blog has been helpful in their spiritual life.

To those readers - thank you for telling me.



Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 1.5 million views. Just discovered your blog and have been working my way through all the posts. It is excellent, an oasis of Christian sanity, keep up the good work!

Bruce Charlton said...

@Anonymous. Thanks.

I don't usually publish 'Anonymous' comments - so please could you use some pseudonym in future.

Nicholas Fulford said...

Whether in agreement or not, your postings always stimulate my thinking, and for that I am grateful. Thanks for all the time spent thinking and writing.

stephens said...

A lot of work I am sure but good Christian witness and an oasis in the mass of mainstream media propaganda.
Many thanks.

Adam G. said...

Hear, hear.

pyrrhus said...

Congratulations! I have learned a lot from your blog, thanks.

Topalassu said...

Keep going! :)

AlexT said...

I just turned one of my secular rightist facebook friends on to your blog a few days ago. After reading just a few of your posts, he said that finding your writing is the sort of thing that makes facebook worthy of existence. In other words you made and will make a powerful impression. Keep it up!