Friday 10 February 2023

The end of the UK planned for 2023

It looks very much as if the UK is currently being prepped for annihilation as a nation. 

In other words, it seems as if we are to be deployed (by a monolithic coalition of our puppet-leadership class) in the suicide mission of spearheading all-out war against the Fire Nation. 

In other words; the relentless escalation of WWIII has chosen my country as the next, and biggest, fall-guys. 

Since this will almost-certainly lead to the rapid killing of millions of people by direct destruction - as well as larger number from the more prolonged causes of disease, starvation and chaos - it seems that They have decided that the British masses are sufficiently corrupted that - when sudden death comes; we will mostly choose to reject Jesus's offer of resurrection into Heaven and instead take the path of self-damnation. 

As Adam Piggott wisely wrote yesterday (emphasis added by me):

As I have said before, a sickness that will lead to death is a blessing; it enables the sufferer time to get his spiritual house in order. Satan is without a doubt a very big fan of died suddenly. Died suddenly leaves the unfortunate recipient with no opportunity to repent. Real deathbed confessions must upset Satan and his lowly minions a great deal. Imagine being a demon and doing all that work on a soul over his lifetime and then right at the death he embraces God’s grace. You’d be one pissed off demon in hell’s cafeteria that lunchtime.

Make no mistake - the Global/ Western leadership class are operating as agents of Satan; and the Godless and spirit-denying masses of England, Wales, Northern Ireland - and (especially!) Scotland; are so fundamentally deranged in our deepest metaphysical assumptions about reality, as to be unable and unwilling even to recognize - let alone reject - what is so very-obviously afoot. 

This is not an excuse for living-in-fear - let alone panicking. Fear is a sin. But, because all of our leadership-class and mass media are solidly in favour of this plan - and all potential sources of organized resistance are either destroyed or converged - there is nothing material that can be done to prevent this because not enough people with power even want to prevent it
It is an urgent call to spiritual awakening; to discernment, clear thinking, and decisive spiritual rejection. 

Such an action (by me, by you) is not only imperative from the salvific perspective and to learn what we must in this mortal life; it is the essential basis of any-and-all-possible positive and net-beneficial responses in the material realm.

Notes added: 

The leadership-media having (over the past year) painted a target over the nation; all of the above means that the UK is now a prime location for the kind of false flag event that might be spun to precipitate a stampede into immediate hostile military action. 

These times are something of an up-spiraling crash course in understanding the obvious by the method of reductio ad absurdum. When it becomes clear that the logic of our assumptions has led inexorably to a gratuitous war and mass death; it will be clear to the essentially uncorrupted that these assumptions Must Be false; and that is a vital step in spiritual awakening. 

One temptation is to ask for 'peace'. But peace is not on the agenda; the 'peace movement' is a tool of evil leftism (as can be seen from their 'crickets' response to the war so far) - and anyway a demand for peace cannot possibly succeed (it never has in the past) and therefore will do more harm than good (as it always has done in the past). 

A drive for Satanic destruction can only be beaten by a stronger drive for loving creation. 


Avro G said...

“ seems that They have decided that the British masses are sufficiently corrupted that - when sudden death comes; we will mostly choose to reject Jesus's offer of resurrection into Heaven and instead take the path of self-damnation.“

I have understood for some time that the active corrupting of one’s enemies is a form if warfare and that we (USA, UK, “the West”) have been subjected to such an assault for at least 100 years and are now gravely wounded. You have pointed out that the real goal of this is not merely to destroy us but to make us so confused, weak and such willful participants in our own corruption that when forced by imminent destruction to choose Christ or hell we will FREELY choose hell. And to “ die suddenly” under these conditions is to have even a last minute turning to God snatched away.

Bruce B. said...

Bruce, do you believe people might be able to repent AFTER death? The idea that people cannot repent starting at the moment of death is a very Catholic, specifically Thomist idea. Adam Piggot is a Catholic I believe.

Also what do you think about marriage after death/in heaven?

Bruce Charlton said...

@BB - Yes, I do believe people repent after death; indeed that is when the decision is made - but that decision is potentially/ generally affected by the choices of this mortal life (as well as by those we love).

"The idea that people cannot repent starting at the moment of death is ... very Catholic"

Actually, I have always thought of that as Protestant ("The tree lies where it falls" etc) - and that Catholics (both Western and Eastern) - and also Mormons, more so - have many more putative mechanisms for changes in salvific status after death.

"what do you think about marriage after death/in heaven"

- Well, after death is exactly when *eternal* marriages happen, if they do - because only after resurrection can we make everlasting commitments. Again, loving and eternally pledged mortal life marriages make a difference; but clearly they would need to be reaffirmed after death if they were to become permanent.

Bruce Charlton said...

@AG - "to “ die suddenly” under these conditions is to have even a last minute turning to God snatched away."

Yes, to die while believing the obvious lies and inverted values of the most evil people the world has known (i.e. the current Western leadership class) - to die in a state of fear, resentment and despair...

These are the worst kinds of preparation for making that eternal choice because they lead to a positive desire for damnation.

laeth said...

it has to start in Logres.

Cererean said...


But I do not believe England will die. Indeed, even, a grievous wound may heal us, or at any rate set us on the course to heal. Those God loves He chastises. The trees He cares for He prunes. All attacks eventually are turned for good.

Edward's prophecy has not yet been fulfilled. 2034 is not yes passed (120 years -- 40 rods, three furlongs, three generations -- on from the death of Christendom in 1914).

Bruce Charlton said...

@ted - I'm not trying to persuade anyone with 'evidence'. Just alerting people to something I see happening all round.

GFC said...

There have been some prophecies about a massive tidal wave being caused by a weapon sent by Fire Nation inundating the British Isles and killing most of the people there. Several mystics have had this vision, including Nostradamus and Tolkien was haunted by a vision of England being deluged (which I think inspired his fate of Numenor?).

Well the Fire Nation claims to have a nuclear torpedo with an enormous warhead, designed to detonate under the sea and cause a tremendous tsunami wave.

Bruce Charlton said...

@GFC - If this comes to pass, it will - as always with prophecies - be in some unexpected way. It would not have been expected that this kind of scenario was actually desired and planned by the rulers of Albion itself.