Saturday 27 July 2024

"Charity" = strategic evil; and this applies to All charities, whatever they call themselves

Nowhere has the "convergence" of institutions into a single strategic programme of totalitarian, bureaucratic evil, been more evident than among "Charities". 

I've just had inflicted on me (by YouTube) an advertisment for the organization that calls itself "christian AID" - the "c word" is nowadays in lower case and forced into the background of the logo. 

Their globalist totalitarian perspective is encompassed by their mission statement: Christian Aid exists to create a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty

(Which was, after all, Christ's main message... Errr, well, maybe...)

And their number one current campaign (linked with the Satanic-themed Paris Olympics, is "Join the race to beat the climate crisis"... 

You get the pun on "race"? And the in-built assumption that there actually exists a thing called the "climate crisis" which is the number one threat to the world today - and is specifically the primary cause of poverty. 

And that climate is a thing that can, and should, be "beaten". 

But my point is that all charities (of any size - increasingly even very small and local ones) are the same in this regard. 

It does not matter what their name is, what they were founded to do, or what they pretend is their core concern. 

The bottom line is that all charities really do is global totalitarian leftism; and therefore, there are no Christian charities

Whatever may be claimed otherwise: all charities have Satan as both patron and chief executive


DS said...

As you said in 2017, “ The future of Christianity is fighting Global Warming, Fair Trade and making-Africans-smile.”

Bruce Charlton said...

@DS - To which could be added: Destroying the only Christian nation in the world, for ethical reasons; and destroying all churches, for health reasons.