Tuesday, 23 July 2024

No Man is an island - Not Even if he uses Linux on his home computer! ("Prepping" as psychotherapy.).

The smug-to-the-point-of-self-blinded idiocy of the dissident "right" was on display in spades last week, with respect to the global computer shut-down. 

We, especially in The West, live in the most interconnected and outsourced society the world has ever known By Far. 

What happens to The System therefore happens to everyone - sooner or not-very-much later. 

The notion that individuals or small groups can separate themselves from any general collapse is risible. 

Therefore; the fact that someone, or some company or institution, was able to avoid direct harm when the world computer system shut down for several hours is irrelevant.

What is on view here is that the ideal of "prepping" is no more significant than any other form of self-psychotherapy. 

It may make you feel safe and smug and superior for a few hours or days; but that is its only significance.