Something that I become more aware of with the passing years, is that there are very significant causal factors which are left-out of the usual explanations for things such as the economy, civil society, even the survival of nations. Such that I am aware that "we", including myself, do not really understand things half so well as we suppose. There must be a lot more going-on than is realized.
I really have no idea how the economy continues to provide so much stuff for so many people. I can see pretty exactly where my own income has come from and goes, but I cannot remotely do the same for others. The numbers don't add up.
I can only assume that there are hidden subsidies all over the place - but how this is kept going I don't see.
(The high level of escalating subsidy - which goes to the lowest classes, as well as to the richest - can't all be derived from resource extractions from people like myself - there aren't enough of us. And we don't generate many real and useful resources anyway.)
So, while I am sure that the British economy will collapse at some point, it has continued far longer than seemed possible during the birdemic stoppages. Hardly anybody seems to be doing anything true, or beautiful, or even useful - most people are actively engaged in destruction - and yet...
While the EU is destined to collapse, this has been the case for at least 15 years - and it is still there, and still causing mischief and mayhem on a massive scale (and still unconditionally supported by the UK ruling class).
The situations, as I currently see it, is that human beings are very actively engaged in their strategic own annihilation by almost every means conceivable - including the most fundamental one of almost ceasing to reproduce; but also, recently, by trying to start pointless wars with stronger opponents.
Eventually this must and shall have the massively destructive effect that humans desire.
But meanwhile things continue; which I infer means that some-thing, or rather some-beings, some-where must be working against this - or else the destruction would have long since happened.
(I do not believe that this is only a matter of buffering destructive change. That would not suffice. There must be actual opposition to the destruction - there must, in other words, be some positively creative activity.
But it really does not seem that positive creative activity is coming from human beings.
In other words, something "magical" - which means something unconsidered by our explanatory models, something outwith our materialist explanations, something working by spiritual not physical means, is at work...
And that magical spiritual "something" is not coming from the human beings - more exactly only very few human beings seem to be involved - and these not-human powers for good are slipping under the radar.
So things continue much longer that our knowledge and understanding suggest that they could or should.
Yet, instead of noticing this, being grateful, and acknowledging and supporting these non-human beings for protecting us from our own malign motivations - the lesson most people draw is that we can and should continue our strategic destructiveness, on the basis that it is not really destructive.
For so long as the society does not actually collapse into rampant/ endemic violence, disease, famine, chaos - for so long the mass of people (especially, but not only, the rulers) can and will continue to claim that this means their nihilism and spitefulness are "good for" the economy, peace, security, decency...
And even when chaos supervenes, it seems that the collapse will be blamed upon those scattered and weak human beings who still try to do good; who recognize and endorse truth, beauty and virtue.
Meanwhile, it is worth remembering that we share our nations with a multitude of other - not human - beings; animals, plants; and spirits of many kinds including (but not only) the dead, angels, and the "elemental" beings that modern Man regards as non-living.
Some of these "magical" spirits are apparently doing their best to sustain that which human beings are doing their worst to destroy.
The God-aligned and Good among these non-physical, magical, spirit beings are, I presume, the missing cause that explains (could we but understand their activities) why things are not already much worse than they actually are.
While I think your optimism is ideal, I have to admit that it's much easier for me to assume that the reason why we haven't had full-scale societal collapse is because our 'misleaders' don't (currently) consider it an expedient option.
@Michael C - That may be correct, but it still doesn't explain (to me) how things are kept going.
Also They are not all-powerful, although They would like us to think so.
As the owner of a manufacturing company, I can say the scale and extent of keeping things running has multiplied inexorably over the last few years. We rely on a number of people willing to go above and beyond, with much personal consequence to do so. Not necessarily self-identifying as Christian but motivated by goodness, purpose and service.
Epimetheus has left a comment:
This is a fascinating idea. It bears thinking deeply about.
There's a lot of people out there putting one foot ahead of the other. It's possible that another spiritual resurgence is coming, something like the burst of spiritual energy of the 60s, 70s, and 80s, and that the powers that be are desperately trying to finish off the demographics of Christendom before that day comes. What we're doing now can't continue much longer. Or maybe it can?
Regarding the Birdemic - it had the effect of extreme right-wing economic protectionism. In my country, the confining of all consumer spending to within the national borders led to record-setting sales in things like recreational vehicles, automobiles, home renovation, and local tourism.
When you refer to magical/positive creative activity, do you essentially mean a sort of effect of good aligned spiritual thinking? Or do you mean people going out and doing things in the physical plane? I sometimes think that our thoughts can have real implications on how things play out in the real world, perhaps having subtle effects on the emotions or fields of people. I don't know exactly how I'm trying to explain this, but I hope you know what I'm getting at.
@Thomas - I've written So Much on the questions you ask, that I can't think how to begin to summarize it in a comment - my best recommendation is for you further to explore this blog using word searches.
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