I am inclined, absolutely sincerely - not as a pose! - to "think the worst" of people; to an extent that maybe as much as anyone I know.
Yet I am not at all "cynical" - I don't judge "everybody" to be on the wrong side of the spiritual war; but I do judge that a very large majority are on the side of evil.
To anyone who might complain at my adverse discernment - I can say that you are in "good" company; in the sense that almost everybody in public life who has a high status is someone that I evaluate as an unrepentant servant of the agenda of evil.
Those currently on the wrong side (so far as I can infer); include nearly all nice and kind people, most people who are most altruistic, most people who do a good job, most of the most talented and creative people, most of the religiously devout and well-behaved - and indeed some of the people I love!
That's just factual: it's the way it is in the world here-and-now.
From where I am, and by my best estimate: Service to the side of the spiritual war that is against God and divine creation; is normal, approved, rewarded, and the default.
The point is that people are unrepentant servants of evil, which means in practice that they do not regard their stance as evil - they are aware of the many reasons and explanations for their own attitudes and behaviours - they see plenty of people worse than themselves...
So in the end they see nothing to repent.
What are the prospects for all these souls? Mostly it is up each of them, and is mainly a matter of what each wants for himself or herself after death, on an eternal basis.
I hope that many will choose salvation when they know it is true and not just a wishful day-dream; and will repent accordingly. This path is open, simple, easily done, and instantaneous.
So there are always grounds for hope.
But it seems likely - from what people say, as well as how they behave - that a lot of people don't want resurrected eternal life in Heaven; and it also seems that this "wanting" is not really something about which people seem to be open to persuasion.
There are those to whom Heaven does not appeal, who simply prefer something else - some other state of being, or non-being.
And there are those who really seem to believe that Heaven is evil, Jesus is evil, creation is evil, and God is evil: Those who are (from my POV) value-inverted.
I don't know that these value-inverted people in The West constitute a majority, and they aren't as overwhelming a majority as those who are simply on the wrong side -- but there do seem to be many such people in the Western nations, far more and more obviously than ever were recorded in the history of the world.
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