Sunday, 2 February 2025

In the spiritual war, motivation is All that matters

In the spiritual war of this world, motivation is all that matters

It applies to all times and places and nations - including here, and now. 

This principle obliterates the value of all politics and mainstream public discourse; because this is all done with bad motivations.

Differences between the political parties and political ideologies is merely the difference between different species of wrong motivations. 

One of the currently sad and pitiful things about so many US folk who regard themselves as on the Right, and who have allowed themselves to be manipulated into optimism by the announcements of the latest US President; is that these folk have forgotten that it is all about motivation

Good and evils are not acts or facts, nor policies nor strategies. Good and evil are sides in a spiritual war: the side for or the side against God.

When people are operating on the side of evil, they are (strictly speaking) incapable of good. 

(Of course this is a mixed world, and we are all inconsistent about the sides we support - to some extent; such nobody - except Jesus Christ - has been always on the side of God; while even the most committed servants of the demonic agenda are occasionally liable to find themselves on the side of God and divine creation - however partially and briefly.)   

Life is not symmetrical because while there are evil policies, there is no such thing as good policies; because goodness depends on motivation. 

(By motivation I mean that whole complex of a Being's (including human beings) nature, intentions, disposition, affiliation, aims etc.) 

There has never been a policy so sensible, or valid, or logical, that evil motivation could not turn it to evil; and there are a limitless number of ways in which this can be accomplished. 

So, when people have self-duped into accepting and celebrating as good the products of evil-affiliated Men and Institutions, these people are not merely delusional - but in a core sense wilfully so, and therefore have chosen service to the agenda of Satan. 

Luckily, even wilful delusion in service of evil is not fatal when the sin has been recognized, acknowledged and repented. It is never "too late" for this - never too late from the perspective of God. Even last-nanosecond repentance will suffice. 

But very sadly this seems seldom to happen (as far as may be judged), and it is apparently more usual for people to double-down on their first sin, refuse to admit their self-gratifying error; thereby compounding it with further sins, and cementing these into place. 

So it is useless to try and persuade such people to change their minds - and certainly I have no intention of doing so. In the end we are each responsible for our own souls destination, and not that of others - which is freedom. 

On the other hand, discernment is a vital and unavoidable spiritual challenge and an experience from which we can learn. 

It is worth reminding ourselves that much of modern life in this collapsed Western Civilization entails being assaulted by evil masquerading as good under a multitude of disguises; and in such a way thaht those most prone to fail in discernment are those who engage with the specific lies and detailed untruths and distortions of the demon-affiliated leadership class and their minions. 

In reality, discernment is perhaps too simple to be truly easy; because the goodness-or-evil of some-thing is a matter of motivations, which are a matter of provenance - an attribute of the origin. 

We only need to know, or guess, from-whom or from-where to detect motivational evil.

But those who demand grounds for optimism - who demand an external saviour from in this-world, those addicted to believing the world is getting better - such will be deluded, and by their own choice. 


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