Sunday, 9 February 2025

The anti-woke Right are being set-up for a bait and switch inversion

As I suggested a month ago* - I feel sure that pseudo-radicalism of the new US Presidential administration is merely a move in a within-Establishment civil war. The "anti-woke Right" commentators who are deliriously cheerleading the new government, and apparently investing their expectations and hopes in its success; are being set-up for a scam.

The anti-bureaucratic populism is a pose and a pretence - the reality is an inter-office, inter-agency predation, a squabble between branches of government over who gets the lion's share of state resources; and which aspect of the agenda of demonic evil shall be the priority. 

A blizzard of theoretical executive orders concerning domestic affairs is the bait; but all this smoke and mirror distraction will be swept-away by larger geopolitical events; and the switch will be begun by a fake pennant event that is intended to lead to a US commitment to participate in war in the Middle East.

That is, I believed, "the plan" - and it should be evident; although of course things may not work-out according to plan - a fake pennant event may misfire, and the free agency of human beings means that nothing is pre-destined.    

*Interestingly, I made a self-contradicting typo in the above prediction, which seems to have passed unnoticed (certainly by me!). On January 8th I wrote "Before this April (i.e. within less than a month of the new DT administration)" - "Less than a month" does not make sense, unless I meant before this March - and my recollection is that this indeed is what I intended. My understanding was that DT took over on 22 January (I may have been mistaken about this since the EOs began a couple of days earlier), so that means before 22 February - which leaves only a couple of weeks remaining for the "fake pennant" event to happen, if the prediction is to come true.