NOTE: What follows is an early draft of a section which has gone into my forthcoming book Not even trying: the corruption of real science.
Doing science because science is fun?
scientists in recent decades have often justified themselves in the face of
increasing careerism, fragmentation, incoherence and dishonesty by emphasizing
that doing-science (being ‘a scientist’) is enormous fun – and that this
is their main motivation for doing it.
understandable, this is a foolish and indeed desperate line of defense.
Many things are 'fun' for the people who happen to like them, but fun or
not-fun, science was supposed to be about reality.
And Hitler, Stalin and Mao seemingly enjoyed being dictators, and redefining ‘truth’ for their own purposes by the exercise of their power to do so. Perhaps they found all this ‘fun’ – but does that justify them? Maybe torturers find their work fun?
reading romantic novels, getting-drunk, chatting with friends – all these may
be fun, may indeed be a lot more fun (or, at least, easier fun) than
science; but does that justify making them into lifelong careers and spending
trillions of dollars on their support and subsidy?
it may be fun does not justify science.
of course science is not fun anymore: because being a minor bureaucrat
and filling-in forms with lies is not fun (or if it is, then the fun is not science);
planning your work in detail for the next three years then rigidly sticking to
the plan is not fun; being forbidden to do what interests you but forced to do
what is funded is not fun; spending your time discussing grants instead of
ideas is not fun...
Real science done for vocational reasons is (or can
be) fun (more exactly, it is profoundly satisfying); but pursuing a modern
research career is not science and is not fun.
modern research career may be rewarding in terms of money, power, status,
lifestyle and the like, or sustained by the hope of these – but is not something
done for its intrinsic fun-ness.
Of course the ‘science is fun’ line of argument is mostly trying to avoid the
‘science is useful’ trap.
usefulness trap must be avoided because the application of science is something
intrinsically unknowable. Science is about discovering reality – and knowing
this may or may not be useful, may be beneficial or it might well turn out to
be harmful – indeed fatal; so usefulness cannot be guaranteed.
least usefulness cannot be guaranteed if you are being honest –
although modern researchers seldom are honest, hence they often do claim that
science is predictable, useful and intrinsically beneficial.
in the UK, all government and government-tainted sources of funding require
that a successful applicant must make the case that their research is indeed
useful and intrinsically beneficial. In other words, the applicant for these
sources of money must lie in order to be successful. All
recipients of such resources are demonstrable liars.)
researchers also sometimes pretend that their kind of science is ‘fun’ – yet
what they are doing is not science, and what they are getting ‘fun’ from is
other stuff entirely: such as the business of trying to get famous, powerful,
rich – enjoying the lifestyle of conferences, gossip and intrigue...
real vocational science is ‘fun’ in the sense of personally rewarding, but this
does not justify real science; and almost all of what currently gets called
science is neither real nor fun.
It took me years to realise why so many of my colleagues weren't men of intellectual interests. They saw getting grants as their job: a few managed to fit in a spot of hobby science.
One of the problems of ever increasing complexity, specialization of labor, and abstraction is nearly all work is "not fun." I can kind of picture Newton having fun doing science. I can't picture the modern scientist having fun.
Almost any good pursuit gets ruined by turning it into a job.
@work - agreed. And it affects almost everybody. The generation of doctors and academics who taught me, wanted to keep working and working and had to be forced to retire by statutory age limits (I know one who still turns up to the office every day, for no pay, aged 83); by my generation of doctors and academics started talking about retirement, yearning for it, in their mid forties.
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