Saturday 11 October 2014

Hashtag Mouse Utopia - Terminal Phase (Example: Ebola)

Insights rapidly become trivialized - especially in the modern mass media world.

The slang usage of 'Hashtag' (#) to mean a category of communication that is trending, significant - a kind of accolade of popularity - comes from the most insidiously destructive of all the social media so far (Twitter) and will surely be short-lived.

Nonetheless, I have recently found myself murmuring 'Hashtag Mouse Utopia - Terminal Phase' to categorize those phenomena in the news which most clearly demonstrate the irrevocable and self-willed decline of our civilization: those phenomena which combine up-front moralized-incompetence, with a dishonesty, with not-even-trying all wrapped-up inside a covert death wish (nihilism, the inversion of values, hope-less-ness and despair; leading to self-hating and self-willed suicide at the individual and cultural level).

These I associate with the Woodley interpretation of the final and fatal phase of the Mouse Utopia experiment,

which I have equated with the current phase of the West.


This is, of course, a shallow and intellectually-indefensible reductionistic over-simplification of a multi-causal and interactive phenomenon.

But I do it anyway.


A prime example was triggered by reading The Ebola IQ Test on James Thomson's Psychological Comments Blog

The situation is that, from at least the Medieval Black Death until quite recently, Western Europeans used to know how to manage infectious epidemics - and the matter was clarified greatly by Pasteur and the germ theory.

However, political correctness, not even trying, rampant lying about everything, and the fact of ruler-ship and policy-making by the mass media - combined with massive declines in intelligence, the consequences of mutation accumulation and a secret death wish cult consequent upon the decline and suppression of Christianity... have all combined to lead us to the current situation of Western governments and agencies gambling with the possibility of mega-death and societal collapse, rather than take simple and obvious preventive action.


This is not new, exactly the same happened back in the 1980s with AIDS - but since AIDS is not very infectious, there were probably only a few hundreds or thousands of extra deaths by government policy.

(Don't worry. Just think of them as necessary sacrifices on the altar of secular Leftism.) 

Therefore the Western response to the Ebola epidemic immediately gets classified under Hashtag Mouse Utopia - Terminal Phase.

...But then, when you think about it, all major mass media news stories, without any exceptions at all, are in this category.



pyrrhus said...

Castro was old school.

Adam G. said...

*This is, of course, a shallow and intellectually-indefensible reductionistic over-simplification of a multi-causal and interactive phenomenon.

But I do it anyway.*

Ah, which is why we love you.

On the substance, yes, the response of Western governments is manifestly insane. Like drunk and bored White officers, they're playing Russian roulette for no purpose.

MC said...

Western civilization is losing/has lost its will to live, as expressed in the actions of the elites whom the people lack the will to punish for their treasonous ways.

Of course, it's only part of the civilization, a majority perhaps, which lacks such will. I think if our elites ever lose power it won't be a full-scale revolution, but rather a series of self-help measures, like some Mexican towns have taken in forming militias to fight off the drug cartels. I imagine that if Ebola ever made it to my town, the locals would ignore whatever official came in to tell them to stay calm and do nothing, and would instead impose their own quarantine system. Where the government uses its power to do everything except fulfill the basic duties of government, that leaves a power vacuum which some citizens are more than capable of filling on their own.

Bruce Charlton said...


"Western civilization is losing/has lost its will to live, as expressed in the actions of the elites whom the people lack the will to punish for their treasonous ways."

That's a very accurate summary! - and I particularly liked the second part relating to 'the people' which is often neglected.

"I imagine that if Ebola ever made it to my town, the locals would ignore whatever official came in to tell them to stay calm and do nothing, and would instead impose their own quarantine system. "

That would NOT happen in the UK nor in most parts of Europe. And I do not think it would happen in most of the USA, but maybe only in some more central parts of the Red State heartlands. To defy the direct orders of the Federal (and probably State) Government is something seldom done.

And more important is the Mass media who would represent any such action as racist and hatred-motivated.

What would probably happen is that those who broke quarantine and forced hospitals to treat cases ("Children/ ethnic minorities are dying! And the doctors and nurses refuse to help them!") - anti-quaratine gangs - would be depicted as heroes of the people, civil rights champions; and they would be allowed to be violent, excused being violent but those who enforced quarantine would have to do everything 'by the book' and subject to innumerable allegations of abuses and excesses.

This happened in the 1960s - where intimidating and violent radical groups were depicted as heroic and good intentioned - while those who enforced the law were shown as Fascist Pigs whose real or imagined aggression was inflated - and these myths have been repeated and perpetuated.

This was when the authorities were enforcing the law! Imagine what would happen in a group of 'vigilantes' were *defying* the law to impose quarantine!

I'm not saying it could not happen, but if it did, it would be a very big deal.

Leo said...

My wife likes to say that every problem can be reduced to numbers. It isn't true, but numbers are important.

The number of Ebola cases is estimated as perhaps 20,000. But this is a rough number. It could be much higher. The case load is doubling every three weeks. Do the math.

If Ebola can be spread inside a relatively sophisticated hospital in Dallas to a nurse wearing full protective gear, how can it be stopped in an urban slum in West Africa? How can we contain this if the caseload reaches half a million or more?

Leo said...

Looking at various other news sources, the numbers I posted may be on the high side, but given the current exponential growth, it is only a matter of time before we reach those numbers.

Even if we bend the exponential growth curve to something more manageable and eventually reverse it, in the absence of a cure, the danger of Ebola smoldering on like an unextinguished fire and breaking out again is great.