If you do not yet recognize that we all participate (by our consciousness, by our thinking) in creating reality - and that without participation there is no knowable reality; then you have not thought about the matter sufficiently*.
Because we do participate is creating reality by our thinking - we contribute to the nature of this reality; and therefore, like it or not, we are co-creating The World. This is an awesome responsibility that can only be shirked by handing-over the process of reality-creation to the powers of evil; for example, in 2021: The System, the global Establishment, the one bureaucracy, the mainstream mass media and dominant institutions.
Since The System is evil in motivation; by shirking our responsibility to participate in creating reality, we are allying with evil.
Therefore, to be on the side of God/ Good/ divine creation we must acknowledge our participation in creating reality - and act accordingly.
On the one hand, there is no such thing as reality without consciousness; on the other hand, it is obvious (from experience) that we cannot make reality how we want it on a whim and in the short-term. Our co-creation of reality works at a much deeper level - for example the level of the basic (metaphysical) assumptions we make concerning the nature of reality...
If we decide to assume (and all assumptions are decided, that is our responsibility) that there is no God, that the world is meaningless and purposeless, that science (i.e. official professional research) is the only truth, that consciousness is a meaningless epiphenomenon... Then we will ensure that our-world, and the mainstream shared-world, has that nature.
If, on the other hand, we assume that the world is a blank slate upon which we can inscribe any reality that would gratify our immediate desire - any notion that pops into our heads (whether some pleasure-seeking/ pain-avoiding instinct or more likely placed there by the System's propaganda apparatus); with any and as many properties as we think we want... Then we will have a superficial, always changing, incoherent, intrinsically-dishonest world.
(This way in which our real, deep, sustained assumptions lead inevitably to consequences; is sometimes called 'the law of attraction', or providence, or 'karma'. It is the basic reason for the current state of the world - a Global and increasingly-totalitarian system of anti-human, anti-Christian pro-Satanic purposive-evil. This is a simple consequence of the assumptions of most men; especially those who are institutional leaders and their servants. We can see it in others - the way that a person with persecutory paranoid convictions will create exactly the world of his delusions; thus confirming them. Or a person with is possessed by morbid jealousy will drive-away into infidelity she who he most fears is unfaithful. A person who thinks-evilly can only assume evil in others. This is mis-named 'projection' in Freudian terminology.)
If we do not assume meaninglessness, nor immediate personal gratification, nor a passive surrender to systemic-evil; what, then, is a viable assumption? What is the way that our assumptions can make a Good world?
As background; in some deep way, our reality always includes some of our-self; and that applies also at group levels. Our group-reality is these shared assumptions. When these shared assumptions are wrong, then reality is wrong.
The task is to seek for true assumptions, and by basing our thinking upon these true assumptions, to participate in creating a better reality.
How to base our thinking on truth? Well, there is no single and universal method - each must seek his own - but that is the intent behind such methods as prayer, meditation, worship, ritual and praise in song, craft, art and other forms of creation.
This is an daily, hourly, task - and no permanent answer can be found in this mortal life (which is for learning, not for any permanent state of success). Yet if we are allied with God/ Good and divine creation - that is what we can do to make a positive difference: a permanent positive difference.
*Saving the Appearances by Owen Barfield may help you, as it did me. The Philosophy of Freedom by Rudolf Steiner was also helpful, although a more difficult read.